Amrita School of Arts & Sciences at the Amritapuri Campus seeks to fulfil Amma’s grand vision of education. The various academic programs of the School are designed and structured to enable the learners to develop the faculties of their heads and hearts.
The advanced curriculum, highly qualified faculty and the state-of-the–art infrastructural facilities would ensure the widening of their intellectual horizons.
The spiritual resonances and moral predilections manifest in the varied activities of the campus would go a long way towards turning them into better human beings. The manifold programmes initiated and organized by the variety of the clubs and associations, would provide them with the platform to bring out their latent talents and innate creative impulses. The well–orchestrated activities under the auspices of Amrita Sanjeevani promote their social awareness and environmental commitments.
The research forum ignites their quest for knowledge and motivates them to take up projects and do research on the emerging areas in the concerned subjects. The music and drama club seeks to develop their aesthetic sensibility. Sports and Games, an integral part of the campus experience is instrumental in creating team spirit and instilling leadership quality among the students.
The Amrita experience is unique. Here, science and spirituality co-exist harmoniously in the same departments and the same minds. The quest is both inward and outward. The sweetness of wisdom merges with the light knowledge in the sublime process of moulding the new generation which is expected to be gifted with the infinite capacity to improve the quality of life and give shape to a new world order.