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Theoretical Computer Science

Within the realm of computer science, I am deeply engrossed in the mathematical aspects, particularly focusing on the theory of computations and the analysis of algorithms. My research delves into genome rearrangements, exploring these biological phenomena from a mathematical standpoint. One of my primary objectives is to establish precise upper and lower bounds for specific genome rearrangement operations. This involves the creation of approximation algorithms and constraints tailored to a variety of genome rearrangement problems, offering invaluable insights into computational biology. Genome rearrangement problems are crucial in understanding complex biological processes and molecular evolution. I’m specifically interested in addressing challenges related to transposition trees, translocations, and transpositions. These mathematical investigations contribute not only to the understanding of genomic evolution but also to advancements in various combinatorial problems in mathematics. The findings from this research have the potential to inform medical genetics, phylogenetics, and evolutionary biology. By applying mathematical rigor to these problems, my work seeks to shed light on fundamental biological questions and provide practical tools for biologists and computational scientists. In this interdisciplinary approach, I aim to bridge the gap between mathematics and biology, offering a deeper understanding of the intricate processes that shape the genomes of living organisms. This endeavor underscores the significance of mathematical analysis in advancing our comprehension of the natural world.


  • Focus on the mathematical aspects of computer science relating to the theory of computations and analysis of algorithms. Especially various genome rearrangements in a mathematical sense to find the upper and lower bounds of specific rearrangements.


  • Working on finding approximation algorithms and bounds for various genome rearrangement problems that include problems related to computational biology and other combinatorial problems in mathematics, including transposition trees, translocations, and transpositions.


  • Genome rearrangements
  • Transposition trees
  • Translocations
  • Prefix transpositions
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