Authors : Dr. Neeraj Siddarthan, Fuchs, E., Unni, M., Dr. Ullas Mony, Boyella, P., Prabhu, R., Ganapathy, R., Shenoy, V., and Vidyadharan, G.
Publisher :Bone Marrow Transplant
Publisher :J Family Med Prim Care
Publisher :2019 6th International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks, SPIN 2019
Authors : Dr. Swapna T. R., Achan, E.; T R, Swapna
Publisher :Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics
Publisher :Communications in Computer and Information Science
Authors : Dr. Murali Rangarajan, Muthu, M.; Chandrasekharapuram Ramakrishnan, K.; Santhanam, M.; Kumar, M.
Publisher :Journal of Environmental Engineering (United States)
Publisher :Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
Authors : Dr. Rejikumar G, Aswathy Asokan Ajitha, Malavika S. Nair, Raja Sreedharan V.
Publisher :Emerald
Authors : Dr. Srinivasan C., Abraham, M.; Hima Vyshnavi, A.M.; Srinivasan, C.; Krishnan Namboori, P.K.
Publisher :Journal of International Pharmaceutical Research
Authors : Priyatharishini M., Reshma, K.; Nirmala Devi, M.
Publisher :Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
Publisher :Journal of Cyber Security and Mobility
Authors : Dr. Aarthi R., H. .S, and Prasad.V, H
Publisher :International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering