Authors : Dr. Abhilash Ravikumar, Guido Fratesi; Simona Achilli; Nicola Manini; Giovanni Onida; Anu Baby; Aldo Ugolotti; Gian Brivio; Alberto Milani; Carlo Casari
Publisher :Materials
Publisher :2018 3rd International Conference for Convergence in Technology, I2CT 2018
Authors : Dr. Krishnakumar Menon, Sandeep Kondisetty; Ginil Kumar Pooleri
Publisher :Biomark Res
Authors : Dr. Shanmuga Priya S., Abinaya, M
Publisher :International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Academic Press
Authors : Dr. Krishna Kumar P., Dr. Ramesh Kumar K., Dr. K. I. Ramachandran
Publisher :International Journal of Prognostics and Health Management, Prognostics and Health Management Society
Publisher :COMPEL - The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Authors : Dr. Supriya P., S. Vigneshkumar; Vignesh K. Shankar; Prakash N. Krishna;
Publisher :2018 9th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT)
Authors : Dr. T. K. Ramesh, Aravinda K; Dr. T. K. Ramesh
Publisher :International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications
Authors : Vineetha Jain K. V., Dr. Dhanesh G. Kurup, A. Purushothaman
Publisher :2nd International Conference on Inventive Communication and Computational Technologies(ICICCT 2018)
Authors : Anju Kamal, Dr. Saswata Barpanda
Publisher :Proceedings of 2017 IEEE International Conference on Technological Advancements in Power and Energy: Exploring Energy Solutions for an Intelligent Power Grid, TAP Energy 2017
Authors : Dr. Suresh M., Patri, R.; Dr. Suresh M.
Publisher :International Journal of Healthcare Management
Publisher :RTEICT 2017 - 2nd IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information and Communication Technology, Proceedings