Publisher :Indian J Pediatr
Authors : Dr. Satheesh Babu T. G., Dr. Bipin Kumar G. Nair, Dr. Suneesh P. V., V. Sara Vargis, Priya, C. Jayachandr, Surendran, H., Vasu, Gopalakrishnan, T
Publisher :IET Nanobiotechnology
Authors : Dr. Vinodkumar A., Paulraj, I.
Publisher :Filomat
Authors : Dr. Anjaly M. V., Amritha M. R; Hemavathi SK
Publisher :International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy (IJRAP)
Authors : Nilufer Azeez, P.V.; Priyadarshini, R.G.
Publisher :IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Authors : Prof. Sudheesh Manalil
Publisher :PLoS One
Authors : Prof. Sudheesh Manalil
Publisher :PLoS One
Authors : Rakesh P., Premnazir, Lakshmi; Nair, Arun S; Suji, Sujith; Das, Amrita M; Divyamol, S .
Publisher :J Family Med Prim Care .
Authors : Dr. Prema Nedungadi, Georg Gutjahr; A S Kamala, Kunjamma .
Publisher :International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI)
Authors : Dr. Arun Kumar C., Ramakrishnan, S., and Dheeraj, S. S
Publisher :Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics
Authors : Dr. Mohit Sharma, Sivakumar Vidhyadharan, Krishnakumar Thankappan, Ramu Janarthanan, Deepak Balasubramanian, Jimmy Mathew , Othiyil Vayoth Sudheer, Subramania Iyer
Publisher :Elsevier
Authors : Dr. Meera Balachandran, Dr. Neelesh Ashok
Publisher :Proceedings of the Second International Conferences on Structural Integrity (ICONS-2018)