METASIM is a highly distributed collection of simulation tools connected by a series of translators that access a common database. Simulation models running on computers at different locations are connected. . .
This research project identifies an appropriate combination of metal-elastomeric module configuration, using multi-layer shear damped viscoelastic approach, for mitigating the structure-bound vibrations on to the sensitive equipment. The composites are. . .
The stability theory of stream ciphers suggests that good key stream sequences must not only have a large linear complexity, but also change of a few terms must not cause. . .
AMMACHI Labs uses computerized vocational education training (cVET) to make education accessible and interesting. The smart classroom concept was introduced into the many training centers across India to enable a. . .
Wordnet is an online lexical reference system. Its design is inspired by current psycholinguistic and computational theories of human lexical memory. Nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are organized into synonymous. . .
This project is ongoing as part of the Amrita E-Learning Research Center. The goal of this project is to develop solutions for content based search and retrieval of multimedia E-Learning. . .
Comprehensive study of threats, their operational architecture, and adoption of threat modeling for their classification, form the foundation for development of secure technologies for cloud. Cloud platforms today assist providers. . .
In order to facilitate remote experimentation for multiple users, the project demonstrates the possibility of real-time shared access for multiplexing the usage of control and acquisition hardware. The project also. . .