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GURU an MPEG-4 Based Distance Learning Environment for Users with Disabilities
GURU an MPEG-4 Based Distance Learning Environment for Users with Disabilities

It currently being developed under the SUGA project at UCI, that supports cross disability access. The distance-learning framework is built on top of the MPEG-4 framework and supports the adaptation. . .

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It is a micro-level response activity simulator developed as part of Rescue and Responsphere for the purpose of testing IT solutions in the context of a crisis response. It is. . .

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Design and Analysis of Cryptographically Secure Power Generators
Design and Analysis of Cryptographically Secure Power Generators

A Cryptographically Secure Power Generators (CSPRNG) is a power generator with properties that makes it suitable for use in cryptography. CSPRNGs are designed explicitly to resist determined mathematical reverse engineering.. . .

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METASIM is a highly distributed collection of simulation tools connected by a series of translators that access a common database. Simulation models running on computers at different locations are connected. . .

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Analysis and Evaluation of Multilayer Shear Damped Viscoelastic Treatments for Launch Vehicle Applications
Analysis and Evaluation of Multilayer Shear Damped Viscoelastic Treatments for Launch Vehicle Applications

This research project identifies an appropriate combination of metal-elastomeric module configuration, using multi-layer shear damped viscoelastic approach, for mitigating the structure-bound vibrations on to the sensitive equipment. The composites are. . .

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Error Linear Complexity Measures for Multisequences
Error Linear Complexity Measures for Multisequences

The stability theory of stream ciphers suggests that good key stream sequences must not only have a large linear complexity, but also change of a few terms must not cause. . .

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E-Content for Skill Development and Education
E-Content for Skill Development and Education

AMMACHI Labs uses computerized vocational education training (cVET) to make education accessible and interesting. The smart classroom concept was introduced into the many training centers across India to enable a. . .

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Development of Source Code Methodologies – Plagiarism Detection Engine
Development of Source Code Methodologies – Plagiarism Detection Engine

Wordnet is an online lexical reference system. Its design is inspired by current psycholinguistic and computational theories of human lexical memory. Nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs are organized into synonymous. . .

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