The project titled “Capacity,bit error rate and performance revaluations of MIMO based communication Systems on minimized multipath environment” is funded by SAC – ISRO. Dr. S. Kirthiga, Dr. M. Jayakumar, Dr. M. Nirmala. . .
The project titled “Reliability based soft decision decoding of Turbo codes for satellite communication” is funded by SAC – ISRO. Dr. B. Yamuna, Dr. Karthi B., Dr. Ramesh B., Mr. Pargunarajan are the investigators of. . .
The project titled “Rotating Machine Degradation Monitoring based on Multi Sensor Signal Fusion using Deep Learning Models“, is funded by DST. The investigators of the project are Dr. M. Saimurugan, Dr. K. I.. . .
The project titled “Bone Mineral Density Analysis System (BDAS)” is funded by Bilataral Co-operation Division DST, Government of India. Dr. Dhanesh G. Kurup (PI) is the Principal Investigator of the project. Duration. . .
The project titled “A Low-cost hand and arm rehabilitation systems” is funded by DST SEED/TIDE/095/2016. Dr. Binoy B. Nair is the investigator of the project.
Active Traffic Management by Automatic Road Incidents Monitoring and Reactive Signaling Control. Rs.40 lakhs sanctioned under Interdisciplinary Cyber Physical Systems (ICPS) by Department of Science and Technology Government of India,. . .
The project titled “Improving healthcare support for rural communities in India’” is funded by UK Research Council. Dr. C. Santhosh Kumar is the investigator of the project.
The project titled ” A Modular Cyber Physical System for Sustainable Water Management” is funded by ICPS Division DST, Government of India. Dhanesh G. Kurup is the Co-Principal Investigator of the. . .
The project titled “Development of New Tools to Reverse Antibiotic Resistance in Pathogens Like Pseudomonas Aeruginosa” is funded by TATA Institute for Genetics & Society (TIGS). Dr. Bipin Nair is the investigator. . .