The project titled ”Residual Stress Measurements in Machining of Titanium Alloys” is funded by AR&DB and Sumesh A., Assistant Professor, Mechanical, School of Engineering, Coimbatore is the Principal Investigator.
The project titled ”Design and Testing of an Optimized Vertical Axis Wind Turbine for Low Wind Speeds’ is funded by Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) and Unnikrishnan D. , Assistant Professor, Mechanical, School. . .
The project titled “Modeling of Deformation in Machining Processes”, is funded by DRDL, Hyderabad. The investigators of the project are Dr. Ajith Ramesh, Mr. Vinod Tiwari, Dr. K. Ramesh Kumar .
The project titled “Alternate materials for improving dynamic response and damping properties for machine tool structures“, is funded by Office of PSA to GoI. The investigator of the project is. . .
The project titled “Experimental Investigation on Structural Integrity Assessment of Dome Shaped Roof Slab of future SFRs“, is funded by BRNS. The investigator of the project is Dr. M. Ramu.
The project titled “Experimental and numerical investigations of roof slab for future fast breeder reactors“, is funded by IGCAR. The investigator of the project is Dr. M. Ramu.
The project titled “Design and development of smart composite structures for active vibration and shape control“, is funded by AICTE. The investigator of the project is Dr. M. Ramu.