In the modern world, controlled release of drug (CR) represent one of the very important areas in the medical field. These delivery systems offer numerous advantages, compared with conventional dosage. . .
Coffee in India is largely grown in the southern part of the country and involves small growers. Small holding cultivation combined with the external reliance for markets have posed risks. . .
Amrita Big Data Framework(ABDF) is essentially an all integrated framework for effortless BigData analytics. ABDF is feature rich, providing user community with an easy to use GUI for analyzing large. . .
Globalisation, Climate Change and Urban Public Finance, funded by Indian Council of Social Science Research. New Delhi (2013-15), Principal Investigator Dr Shyam Nath, Amrita School of Business, Amritapuri Campus, Kollam,. . .
Poor sanitation contributes to 1.5 million child deaths globally from diarrhoea alone caused by enteric pathogens each year. Solving the sanitation challenge in the developing world will require radically new. . .
Peptidoglycan (PG) hydrolases or autolysins are a group of enzymes which degrade bacterial cell wall at specific sites. Staphylococcus aureus produces two major PG hydrolases: major autolysin (Atl) and Aaa, a. . .
The center facilitates a Collaborative Twinning Master’s Program in Automotive and Embedded Systems. Participants will be earning an MS degree in Embedded Systems from University at Buffalo and an M.Tech. . .