The Women Empowerment: Community Sanitation through Democratic Participation was launched in February 2017. It is a two year, pan-India initiative jointly funded with the United Nations Democracy Fund. It aims. . .
Haptic Technologies:Haptic technology as a modality takes advantage of the sense of human touch by applying forces and vibrations to provide real life-like experience to the user. While haptic feedback. . .
Why Vocational Education Training? Even as India’s economy booms, and the demand for skilled workers rises, vocational training in India is effectively paralyzed by social stigma, budget constraints and inadequate. . .
The Project entitled “Climate Change Impact and Self Help Adaptation Strategies in the Sunderban Region of West Bengal”. Project Number: P2958 Project Director: Sougata Ray Domain: Agriculture and Rural Devel State: Kerala Ministry: Ministry of. . .
Department: Civil Engineering Funding Agency: Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham The project titled “Analysis of Seepage Induced Soil Mass Movements and Stabilization using sand Drains” is funded by Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham. Mr. R. Ramkrishnan is the. . .
Department: Electrical and Electronics Engineering Funding Agency: Department of Science and Technology, Government of India Collaborators: KTH University, Sweden A laboratory scale micro grid hardware simulator was designed and fabricated for demonstration. . .
Sponsors: DRDO, ER & IPRDept./Center: Solar Energy and Optoelectronics LaboratoryStart Date: July 2010 A dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC) is a thin-film type, low-cost alternative to the existing silicon solar cells. . .
Prognosis and diagnosis are important aspects of any state-of-the-art aerospace application. Machine condition based monitoring and maintenance can help enhance the system performance and prevent system failures. It also helps. . .
Envenomation resulting from snake bite is a significant problem faced by both developed and developing countries. Within South Asia, India is quite heavily affected with an estimated 46,000 deaths per. . .