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AMARAN Unmanned Robotic Coconut Tree Climber and Harvester
AMARAN Unmanned Robotic Coconut Tree Climber and Harvester

There is an acute shortage of human coconut tree climbers and coconut tree farmers, individuals who own a few coconut trees and the coconut industry suffer a lot due to. . .

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BCI for Wheelchair Users With Time-Shared Control
BCI for Wheelchair Users With Time-Shared Control

The work proposes the use BCI for the development of a time-shared control algorithm based on steady state visual evoked potential (SSVEP). In timeshared control strategy, the user can select. . .

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Lane Changing and Overtaking Decision	 Autonomous Vehicles
Lane Changing and Overtaking Decision Autonomous Vehicles

In this project we introduce a modified deep auto encoder model based on extreme learning machine (ELM-MDAE) network to capture lane changing and overtaking behaviour of the vehicles and automatically. . .

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Design and Optimization of Joint Torque Sensor for Robotic Applications
Design and Optimization of Joint Torque Sensor for Robotic Applications

The project is about spoke type joint torque sensor design for impedance control of collaborative robotic arm. It has an inner hub and an outer ring. The -8.843e- inner hub. . .

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Modelling of Coconut Tree Trunk
Modelling of Coconut Tree Trunk

In this research project we are modelling the coconut tree trunk including the influence of the physical parameters like, gravity, sunlight, water availability, soil and wind. The model is evaluated. . .

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Negative Pressure Isolation Hooded Wheel Chair
Negative Pressure Isolation Hooded Wheel Chair

It was organized by UK RAS Network, UK Robotics and Autonomous Systems (RAS) Network based in United Kingdom. The project was designed to transport COVID patients safely and to avoid. . .

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IoT Based Crop Protection System
IoT Based Crop Protection System

One of the biggest problems farmers face in India is the attack on crops by wild animals in their fields. The damage from these attacks significantly and adversely affects the. . .

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ROS Based Autonomous Shopping Cart with e-Payment Facility
ROS Based Autonomous Shopping Cart with e-Payment Facility

The proposed system is an automated shopping cart which leads the user throughout the supermarket in search of products specified by the user. The whole framework has been designed using. . .

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Machine Learning based Hand Orthotic Device
Machine Learning based Hand Orthotic Device

Robotic systems are rapidly emerging as easy-to-use rehabilitation tools that enhance several of health-related infirmities. Frequently, stroke and spinal cord -injuries are impair normal healthful living by paralysis, albeit the. . .

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