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The SMART SHG Project – Sustainable Management to Achieve Social Responsibility using Technology and Training
The SMART SHG Project – Sustainable Management to Achieve Social Responsibility using Technology and Training

The large-scale program of the Government of India, the National Rural Livelihood Mission, has led to the formation of above 7 million Self-Help Groups (SHG) meant to support women’s economic. . .

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Digital Shiksha for Advanced Clinical Learning
Digital Shiksha for Advanced Clinical Learning

The Covid-19 pandemic exposed the gaps in advanced medical care training. DiShA is a platform designed and developed by CREATE. This project addresses the gaps by developing a medical simulation. . .

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Cell polarity and morphogenesis
Cell polarity and morphogenesis

Cell polarity and adhesion plays key role in maintaining tissue architecture and are fundamental aspects of development. We try to understand the genes that control epithelial growth and morphogenesis that. . .

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Adult stem cell Regeneration
Adult stem cell Regeneration

Stem cells present in adult body need to be recruited to the site of injury for efficient repair and regeneration. Apart from some tissues like skin, liver, other tissues in. . .

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Dissecting Vitamin K Pathways in Human Subjects Using Next Generation Sequencing
Dissecting Vitamin K Pathways in Human Subjects Using Next Generation Sequencing

Dissecting Vitamin K Pathways in Human Subjects Using Next Generation Sequencing is a project funded by SERB-DST-IRRD.

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Targeting Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in Multidrug Resistant (MDR) ESKAPE Pathogens 
Targeting Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in Multidrug Resistant (MDR) ESKAPE Pathogens 

Targeting Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in Multidrug Resistant (MDR) ESKAPE Pathogens is a project funded by Tata Institute of Genetics and Society.

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Teacher Training for Screening and Supporting Autistic Students in India
Teacher Training for Screening and Supporting Autistic Students in India

This study seeks to develop, implement, and evaluate a comprehensive teacher training program designed to enhance autism awareness and provide practical skills for screening and supporting autistic students in mainstream. . .

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AI & Disability Studies
AI & Disability Studies

A major thrust area at AmritaCREATE is research and development of assistive technologies, frameworks, and methodologies drawing from Computer Science, Behavioral Sciences, and Learning Science to design interventions and solutions. . .

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A Multi-dimensional Framework for Reading & Spelling Acquisition in Malayalam
A Multi-dimensional Framework for Reading & Spelling Acquisition in Malayalam

The Malayalam language, derived from both Sanskrit and Tamil, poses unique challenges to language learners since they are complex writing systems. Understanding the writing system is critical to developing screening. . .

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