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Socio-Economic Empowerment of Women: Product Marketing and Skill Development

Start Date: Thursday, Mar 01,2018

End Date: Friday, Aug 31,2018

School: School of Arts & Sciences

Thematic Area: Livelyhood & Skill Development

Project Incharge:Mr. Renjith Mohan and Mr. Debashish Brahma
Project Incharge:T.P. Vishnu Priya, S. Anand, and Yaiza Fernandez

Thematic Area : Livelihood & Skill Development

Project Guide(s) : Mr. Renjith Mohan and Mr. Debashish Brahma, Center for International Programs

International Partners : Mar Izquierdo Lopez, UPC, Spain

Amrita Partners : T.P. Vishnu Priya, S. Anand, and Yaiza Fernandez, School of Arts and Sciences, Amritapuri

Village : Mothakara, Kerala

Project Duration : 2 months

Identified Challenge & Aim :

Rural women, especially in tribal communities, are often a marginalized group when it comes to bringing in a sustainable income for the family. To address this, the lemongrass distillation unit was designed for women to operate and subsequently sell the distilled oil to earn an income.

The Study/Innovation :

After conducting several semi-structured interviews, the team brainstormed, designed and conducted several skill development workshops and income generation activities. Several women empowerment activities and programs were also implemented as well. These programs resulted in enhanced women participation. Women could identify themselves with a higher possibility and aspiration. The team worked in a hands-on way with the women to understand their challenges and subsequently design interventions that can produce the desired results.

This team also looked into a broad business management plan for the lemongrass oil distillation factory and proposed a 1st level business model to help develop it as a sustainable social enterprise.

Addresses Sustainable Development Goals :

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