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Search and Rescue Robot

School: School of Engineering

Search and Rescue Robot

The first use of the rescue robots was actually during the World Trade Centre(WTC) collapse in 2001 though the research was going on this field in the past for many years. The main goal of these robots is to reduce the number of deaths during disasters by surveying the areas in which humans are not permitted until the fire is off. HuT Labs has built a search and rescue robot called Paripreksya to help and save many lives of the victims after natural disasters such as earthquakes. Many technologies and many algorithms are utilized to develop this disaster category robotic system. Mapping, image processing, advanced sensor technologies, human-machine interface, victim identifications and rescue etc. We have designed a robust and rigid robotic system with an effective flipper mechanism which makes it move with ease in any kind of uneven terrains like sand, gravel, step fields, etc. The rescue robot can even detect hazardous signs and QR codes too. 3D Mapping of the whole unknown environment is done using LiDAR which helps in the localization of the robot. It can identify and carry the victim to safety. In addition it can retrieve dead bodies too. The team Scorpion working on this project participated in the “Robocup German Open” held in Germany in April 2018. The team also took part in “World Robot Summit” held in Tokyo, Japan in October 2018.In fact, the Scorpion team was the only team from India that got selected out of 256 applications from all over the world for the World Robot Summit

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