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Nanomedicine and Tissue Engineering

Start Date: Thursday, Sep 01,2011

School: School of Nano Sciences

Project Incharge:Prof. Shantikumar Nair
Co-Project Incharge:Dr. R. Jayakumar, Dr. KrishnaPrasad, Dr. Vinoth Lakshmanan, Dr. Dilip Panikar, Dr. S.K. Nair, Dr. A.G. Unnikrishnan, Dr. P. Arun
Funded by:DST
Nanomedicine and Tissue Engineering

Several projects are focused on the development of nanomedicines for application in cancer therapeutics, drug delivery for infectious diseases and also for regeneration of tissues using nanostructured scaffolds. Some of the tissues studied are bone, cartilage, cardiac tissue, vascular tissue and liver tissue. A wide range of natural polymeric nanostructured materials and bioceramics are being investigated for such applications.

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