IoT Based Women Security System
In the current global scenario, the prime question in every woman’s mind is about her safety and security. An undeniable reality that has not changed and is still prevailing,not only in our country but all around the world,is the safety of women.Whether at home, or outside the home,safety of women matters a lot.It’s a sad truth that every minute and every second some women,let it be mother,sister,wife,young girls,infants are getting harassed,assaulted,molested at various places all over the world.This research work suggests a new perspective to use technology for women safety.We have developing a women security system for helping women in distress by using IOT. Using this device, woman can share the details of location, send an emergency email and start the screaming alarm by simply pressing a button. Or the system can also be automatically activated by observing the variations in the sensor system output like the temperature sensor, and heart beat sensor.When activated, the system tracks the location of the women using Global Positioning System (GPS) sensor and sends an emergency email to the person who can help or save her. The device is easy to handle and highly responsive.