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Identification and Functional Analysis of Probiotic Bacterial Surface Associated Proteins in Preventing Enteropathogenic Infections

Start Date: Thursday, Mar 01,2012

School: School of Nano Sciences

Project Incharge:Dr. Raja Biswas
Funded by:International Foundation for Science
Identification and Functional Analysis of Probiotic Bacterial Surface Associated Proteins in Preventing Enteropathogenic Infections

Lactobacillus fermentum, a probiotic strain, which the team isolated from human colonic mucosal biopsy samples, possesses anti-microbial activities and inhibits the adhesion of enteropathogens to intestinal epithelial cells. Isolated cell surface associated proteins from L. fermentum were sufficient for this adhesion exclusion. Identification and characterisation of these surface proteins from L. fermentum are of vital importance for developing new therapeutics against enteric pathogens.

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