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Hand Orthotic Device

School: School of Engineering

Hand Orthotic Device

Nowadays, we see large variety of applications of robotic instruments, oriented to influence human living. Robots in nearly every domain, are helpful to lead a very comfortable life. Humans struck by partial paralysis undergo great difficulty to carry out daily activities. Nevertheless, after rigorous therapy, their motor controls can be regained if the severity levels of the stroke are not quite high. This obligates patients to visit rehabilitation centres for the recovery of their motor impairments. In a developing country, like India, where most of the population can ill-afford proper medical treatment due to their economic status, or the inconvenient access to, or paucity of qualified therapists in remote villages. Rehabilitative robots would be really handy in such circumstances. The main goal was not only to design a comfortable hand orthotic device, to assist patients regain their motor control, but also to create an easy-to-use user interface, which can be quickly learnt by the patients in few hours. The operability of the conceived device can be fully controlled using touch screens on an Android app. Another added feature to this device is the implementation of a feedback system. This device makes it possible for patients to avail treatments from doctors who may be situated in another place. The information a doctor can acquire pertaining to the effectiveness of the device, and the therapy done on the patient through the feedback. The patient can also receive the treatment through feedback.

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