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Bio-inspired Processor Design for Cognitive Functions via Detailed Computational Modeling of Cerebellar Granular Layer

Start Date: Friday, Jul 01,2011

Project Incharge:Dr. Shyam Diwakar
Co-Project Incharge:Dr. Bipin Kumar G. Nair
Funded by:Cognitive Science Initiative DST
Bio-inspired Processor Design for Cognitive Functions via Detailed Computational Modeling of Cerebellar Granular Layer

One of our aims is at understanding cognitive functioning of cerebellar circuit function and implement signal processing abilities into neural hardware using cerebellar architecture. The main goals include understanding cerebellum granule neuron’s role in signal propagation and information processing in a central neuronal network. The other major focus will be on the analysis of cerebellar microcircuits for designing electronic neural processors. When signals in the form of spike discharges enter in a neuronal network, they are processed depending on the local organization of neuronal connections and on neuronal and synaptic dynamics. The knowledge extracted through detailed biophysical modeling of cerebellar networks will help to understand cognitive/behavior properties in neuronal ensembles. This information will be then used to develop prototype hardware models in FPGA to understand neuronal processing for robotics and other applications.

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