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Unique and Secure Account Management System using CNN and Blockchain Technology

Authors : Darshan M, S R Rashwanth, Skandan S, Ranjit Chandramohanan, Shakthi Saravanan S, Priyanka Kumar

Publisher :ICDCIT 2022

A hybrid architecture for Action Recognition in Videos using Deep Learning

Authors : V S Akella, C Vijayendra Sai, Kakarla Ajay Kumar Reddy, Priyanka Kumar

Publisher :Jadavpur University

Automated Relational Triple Extraction from Unstructured Text using Transformer

Authors : Akshay Hari, Priyanka Kumar

Publisher :ICEEE 2022

Performance of Air Plasma Sprayed Cr3C2-25NiCr and NiCrMoNb Coated X8CrNiMoVNb16-13 Alloy Subjected to High Temperature Corrosion Environment

Authors : Subramani P, Sathishkumar M, Manikandan M, Sreenivasulu V, Arivazhagan N, Rajkumar S

Publisher :Materials Research Express

Hot corrosion behaviour of constant and pulsed current welded Hastelloy X in Na2SO4, V2O5 and NaCl salt mixtur at 900 °C

Authors : Sathishkumar M, Manikandan M, Arivazhagan N, Arulmurugan B, Senthil Kumaran Selvaraj, Vignesh M, Rajakumar S, Rajkumar S

Publisher :Materials Research Express

Oil shocks and BRIC markets: Evidence from extreme quantile approach

Authors : Muhammad Abubakr Naeem, Linh Pham, Arunachalam Senthilkumar, Sitara Karim

Publisher :Energy Economics

Blockade of Uttroside B-Induced Autophagic Pro-Survival Signals Augments Its Chemotherapeutic Efficacy Against Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Authors : Haritha NH, , Shabna A, , Aiswarya SU, , Rayginia TP,, Keerthana CK,, Kalimuthu K, , Sundaram S, , Lankalapalli RS, , Pillai S,, Towner R, , Isakov N, , Anto RJ, Dr Lekshmi.R.Nath

Optimized Biodiesel production from C. innophyllum Bio-oil using Kriging and ANN predictive models

Authors : Hariram V, Goldwin J. J, Saravanan A, Vinod kumar M, Vinod kumar M, Johnson Samuel S, Seralathan S, K. L. Vasudev

Publisher :Thermal Science Journal

Hot Corrosion Demeanour Comparison of Constant and Pulsed Current Welded Hastelloy X in Na2SO4, V2O5, and NaCl Salt Mixture at 900 °C

Authors : M Sathishkumar, M Manikandan, N Arivazhagan, B Arulmurugan, Vignesh M, S Rajakumar, S Rajkumar

Publisher :IOP

Machinability Analysis of Y2O3 Reinforced Magnesium Rare Earth Alloys Using WEDHT process

Authors : R Ramanujam, Vignesh M,, Gururaj Parande, Manoj Gupta

Publisher :Taylor & Francis

A fast numerical scheme for solving singular boundary value problems arising in various physical models

Authors : Pradip Roul, , VMK Goura

Publisher :Springer International Publishing

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