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Recycling of crystalline silicon photovoltaic solar panel waste to modified composite products

Authors : S. Ram Kokul; , Shantanu Bhowmik

Publisher :Progress in Rubber, Plastics and Recycling TechnologyProgress in Rubber, Plastics and Recycling Technology, SAGE Publications Ltd STM

A Novel Baseband Generation Method for Modeling RF Power Amplifiers for Bit Error Rate Computations

Authors : Sanjika Devi R V; , Dr. Dhanesh G. Kurup

Publisher :Wireless Pers Commun

Reliable Mobile health Care for the public in need

Authors : Dr. Thangam S.; , Kirubakaran, E

Publisher :First International Conference on Furistic Trends in Computer Science Engineering and Information Technology,

A Survey of Text Mining Approaches, Techniques, and Tools on Discharge Summaries

Authors : Priyanka Vivek; , Gupta, Deepa; , Devi, Bhagavatula Indira

Publisher :Advances in Computational Intelligence and Communication Technology, Springer Singapore

Fusion of mel and gammatone frequency cepstral coefficients for speech emotion recognition using deep C-RNN

Authors : Kumaran U.; , Radha Rammohan, S.; , Nagarajan, Senthil Murugan; , Prathik, A.

Publisher :International Journal of Speech Technology

Balanced Scan Chain Analysis to Improve Fault Coverage in VLSI circuits

Authors : R.S. Geethu; , Ramesh Bhakthavathchalu; , M. Krishnakumar

Publisher :2021 6th International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT),

Ranking of Educational Institutions Based on User Priorities Using Multi-criteria Decision-Making Methods

Authors : Angitha, A. U.; , Dr. Supriya M.

Publisher :2nd EAI International Conference on Big Data Innovation for Sustainable Cognitive Computing, Springer International Publishing,

Chikilsavidhiyum Rogiyude Sammadhavum – An article on Informed Consent

Authors : Dr. Sunil M.

Publisher :Mathrubhumi Aroyamasika

Secured Test Pattern Generators for BIST

Authors : Shanmukha Naga Naidu P.; , Naga Sumanth B.; , Sri Ram Koduri Pavan; , Sri Ram Teja M.; , R.S. Geethu; , Ramesh Bhakthavatchalu

Publisher :2021 5th International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC)

Regional Atmospheric Radiation and Meteorological parameters in presence of Aerosol from CERES and MODIS: A Case Study of Observational Satellite Remote Sensing

Authors : Athira S.; , Sivasagar Pillai; , Jyotirmayee Satapathy

Publisher :Journal of Physics: Conference Series

Medi News and Medi Wonders – A monthly column

Authors : Dr. Sunil M.

Publisher :Manorama Arogyam

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