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Plant induced resistance in Solanacearum lycopersicum species against root knot nematodes

Authors : Navyashree B.; , Dharmashekar Chandan; , Shivamallu Chandan; , Balasubramanian S.; , Prasad Shashanka K.; , Prasad K Shiva; , Latha K. C.

Publisher :Journal of Applied Biology & Biotechnology

Classification of Satellite Images

Authors : Manohar, N.; , Pranav, M. A.; , Aksha, S.; , Mytravarun, T. K.

Publisher :4th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology for Intelligent Systems

Amrita_CEN_NLP@DravidianLangTech-EACL2021: Deep Learning-based Offensive Language Identification in Malayalam, Tamil and Kannada

Authors : Sreelakshmi K.; , B. Premjith; , Dr. Soman K. P.

Publisher :Proceedings of the First Workshop on Speech and Language Technologies for Dravidian Languages

A Comparative Study on Interactive Segmentation Algorithms for Segmentation of Animal Images

Authors : Manohar N.; , Akshay S.;

Publisher :Information and Communication Technology for Intelligent Systems

Predicting Students Performance Through Behavior and Computational Thinking in Programming

Authors : Hegde, Vinayak; , Meghana, H.; , Spandana, R.; , M S, Pallavi

Publisher :5th International Conference on ICT for Sustainable Development, ICT4SD

Face Mask Detection by using Optimistic Convolutional Neural Network

Authors : Suresh, K; , Palangappa, MB; , Bhuvan, S

Publisher :2021 6th International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT)

Deep Learning Approach for the Morphological Synthesis in Malayalam and Tamil at the Character Level

Authors : B. Premjith, Dr. Soman K. P.

Publisher :ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing

Simulation of Thin-film Transistor based Winner-take-all Circuit

Authors : Ramya C.; , Maragathaeswari B.; , Viswas Sadasivan

Publisher :2021 IEEE International Conference on Nanoelectronics

Sustainable Practices for Rural Microgrids in Developing Countries

Authors : Fabien Chidanand Robert

Publisher :Energy report

Accessing mental health care among people with schizophrenia: data from an Indian rural psychiatric setting

Authors : Ammu Lukose; , Rahul K. V.; , Anish V. Cherian; , Shrinivasa U. Bhat; , Santosh Prabhu; , Praveen Arahanthabailu; , Shishir Kumar; , Aneesh Bhat; , Naveen Chandra

Publisher :Indian Journal of Social Psychiatry

Low Power NoC Buffer Protection using Error Correction Code

Authors : Thanga Katheresh I.; , M. Vinodhini

Publisher :2nd International Conference on New Age Systems and Automation Technologies

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