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Synthesis and Characterization of Magnesium Alloy Surface Composite (AZ91D – SiO2) by Friction Stir Processing for Bioimplants

Authors : Vaira Vignesh, R., Padmanaban, R., Govindaraju, M.

Publisher :Silicon, Springer Netherlands,

Warehouse optimisation using demand data analytics – a case study-based approach

Authors : Raghuram, P., , , Singh, A.

Publisher :International Journal of Business Information Systems

Amaran: An Unmanned Robotic Coconut Tree Climber and Harvester

Authors : Rajesh Kannan Megalingam, S. Manoharan, K., Mohan, S. M., Vadivel,, S. R. R., Gangireddy, R., Ghanta, Kotte, S, Perugupally, S. T, Sivanantham, V

Publisher :IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics

Experimental and computational analysis of a row of three co-swirling impinging flames

Authors : Singh, P., Velamati, R.K., Chander, S.

Publisher :Heat and Mass Transfer/Waerme- und Stoffuebertragung

Research and Development in Magnesium Alloys for Industrial and Biomedical Applications: A Review

Authors : Ramalingam, V.V., Ramasamy, P., Kovukkal, M.D., Myilsamy, G.

Publisher :Metals and Materials International, Korean Institute of Metals and Materials

Fuzzy c-means Segmentation on Enhanced Mammograms Using CLAHE and Fourth Order Complex Diffusion

Authors : M. Mohan, Lekha S. Nair, L. Priya T

Publisher :2020 Fourth International Conference on Computing Methodologies and Communication (ICCMC), IEEE

Technology Aided Waste Management Practices in the Village of Maira, Punjab.

Authors : S, G., Nair, , Renjith Mohan, V. Vignesh, , Kavitha C. R., , S. Vignesh S., , V, S. P., , A. Krishnan,, S. K. G,

Publisher :SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology

Waste Management for sustainable rural futures in the village of Muljipura, Madhya Pradesh

Authors : Sagar , Pranathi R. Jonnala; , Pinaki Prasad Panigrahy, P. Uday Kanth, A. Sharath Chandra Sagar, Nidhi Gangrade, Krishna Nandanan

Publisher :SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology

The Impact of Water Distribution Inconsistency in the Rural Settlements of Punjab and to Extrapolate a Nature Based Sustainable Technology to Enhance Livelihood

Authors : R. Yadhunath, , Renjith Mohan, , Kavitha C. R., V. Vignesh, , Shubhankar, L., , Venkataramana,, , C Vardhan, B., , Suresh, N.,

Publisher :SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology

Addressing Higher Order Serial Correlation in Techniques for Gross Error Detection

Authors : Devanathan, S., , Jeyanthi Ramasamy

Publisher :Special Issue on Intelligent Computing : Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience .

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