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Deploying a Web-based Electroencephalography Data Analysis Virtual Laboratory

Authors : Joshy Alphonse, Dr. Shyam Diwakar

Publisher :Third International Conference on Computing and Network Communications (CoCoNet’19) (accepted).

The Chinese Whisper –”Do Employees Really Hear What Management Says?” – An Exploration into the Organizational Communication of Platform Sourcing Organizations

Authors : Anju Kamal;, Dr. Rajiv Prasad

Publisher :INDAM2020 Indian Academy of Management Sixth Biennial Conference

Performance Analysis of Hospitals in Kerala Using DEA Model

Authors : Dr. Saswat Barpannda, Neena Sreekumar

Power Consumption Prediction in Cloud Data Center using Machine Learning

Publisher :International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Secured Energy Aware Cloudlet Provisioning in Mobile Cloud Environment

Authors : Shobana, S., Subramanian, T.K.G.G., Dr. Radhika N., Prashanth, S., Sundareswaran, C.

Publisher :Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems

K-means clustering using nature-inspired optimization algorithms-A comparative survey

Authors : Durga Bhavani K., Dr. Radhika N.

Publisher :International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology

Dynamic bandwidth allocation in an sdn environment using qos queues and open flow

Authors : Dr. Radhika N., Abhilash V., Kumar K. N., Sai Ram N.C.

Publisher :International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

Magnetocaloric Properties of Gd1−xHoxMnO3 Multiferroic Compounds

Authors : N. Pavan Kumar, Jyotirmayee Satapathy, Durgesh Singh, Manju Mishra Patidar, V. Ganesan, A. Srinivas, M. Manivel Raja

Publisher :Journal of Low Temperature Physics

Extreme cyclonic storm monitoring using INSAT-3D/3DR-hyperspectral sounder observations

Authors : Jyotirmayee Satapathy

Publisher :Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment

Thermomagnetic Properties of Dy0.9Ho0.1MnO3 Multiferroics

Authors : P. Kumar Naini, Jyotirmayee Satapathy, Abhinav, E. Meher, Srinivas, A, Raja, M. Manivel

Publisher :Physical Status Solidi (A): Applications and Materials Science

Prevention of metabolic risks by Kalabhojanam strategy of Ayurveda

Authors : Prakash, Neha Pandey, Mishra, Vishnu Bali, Bhattacharya, Bhaswati, Kumar, A., Raghuram, Y. S., Bhadresh Naik, Mahesh Kumar Dadhich, P. Rammanohar, S. Gopakumar, Yamini Bhushan Tripathi, Satyendra Narayan Ojha, Girendra Singh Tomar, Jyoti Shanker Tripathi, Pawan Kumar Godatwar, Tanuja Nesari, Sanjeev Sharma, Shri Krishna Khandel, Madhaw Singh Baghel, Banwari Lal Gaur, Sanjeev Rastogi, Rajesh Kotecha, Deep Narayan Pandey

Publisher :, Association of Ayurvedic Physicians of India

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