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Dynamic Control of Traffic Signals using Traffic Data from Google Maps and Road Cameras

Publisher :International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)

VARMAN: Multi-plane security framework for software defined networks

Authors : Dr. Subhasri Duttagupta, Prof. Krishnashree Achuthan, Prabhakar Krishnan

Publisher :Elsevier

SDNFV Based Threat Monitoring and Security Framework for Multi-Access Edge Computing Infrastructure

Authors : Dr. Subhasri Duttagupta, Prof. Krishnashree Achuthan , Prabhakar Krishnan

Publisher :Mobile Networks and Applications

Ginger extract activates caspase-independent paraptosis in cancer cells via ER stress, mitochondrial dysfunction

Authors : Divya Nedungadi, Anupama Binoy, Vivek Vinod, Muralidharan Vanuopadath, Sudarslal Sadasivan Nair, Bipin G Nair, Nandita Mishra

Publisher :Nutrition and Cancer, Pp:1-13, 2019

Phlorotannins from Padina tetrastromatica: structural characterisation and functional studies

Authors : Divya Nair, Muralidharan Vanuopadath, Akshaya Balasubramanian, Akshay Iyer, Shankar Ganesh, Abhishek Nair Anil, Vijesh Vikraman, Prasanth Pillai, Chinchu Bose, Bipin Gopalakrishnan Nair, Jayashree Gopalakrishna Pai, Sudarslal Sadasivan Nair

Publisher :Journal of Applied Phycology, Volume 31:3131–41, 2019

M3 – A hybrid measurement-modeling approach for CPU-bound applications on cross-platform architectures

Authors : Dr. Subhasri Duttagupta, Varsha Apte, Devidas Gawali

Publisher :Journal of Systems and Software

Design and Implementation of Message Communication to Control Traffic Flow in Vehicular Networks

Authors : Dr. Senthil Kumar M, Eric Joseph, Dharini S, Mohan Karthik V, Harishkiran S

Publisher :International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publication

A modified deep learning architecture for vehicle detection in traffic monitoring system

Publisher :International Journal of Computers and Applications

Video analytics-based facial emotion recognition system for smart buildings

Publisher :International Journal of Computers and Applications

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