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Design of Low Power RSC Encoder Using Reversible Logic

Authors : Aishvarya, J., Manindra, P. S. N. V. V. Sai, Sathya Priya, P., Rao, Kruthi Vaseeshwar, Prabhu E.

Publisher :Springer International Publishing, Cham

Effect of Heat Treatment on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of the Friction Stir Processed AZ91D Magnesium Alloy

Authors : Dr. Govindaraj M., Vaira Vignesh R., Padmanaban, R.

Publisher :Metal Science and Heat Treatment, Springer,

Design of a Morphological Generator for an English to Indian Languages in a Declension Rule-based Machine Translation System

Authors : Jayashree Nair, Vinod, Jincy

Publisher :First International Conference on Advances in Electrical and Computing Technologies 2019 | ICAECT

Development of Fly Ash based Friction Material for Wind Turbines by Liquid Phase Sintering Technology

Authors : R. K. Kannan, , Govindaraju, M., Vaira Vignesh R.

Publisher :Journal of Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology (Published Online)

Reducing the porosity defect in castings of cold box core process

Authors : N. Udayan, , Srinivasan, M. V., , Govindaraju, M., Vaira Vignesh R.

Publisher :Materials Today: Proceedings (Accepted). Elsevier, 2019

Effect of Silver Nanoparticle in the PEDOT: PSS Counter Electrode of Dye Sensitized Solar Cell

Authors : Anil,Aiswarya, Sreedha Sambhudevan, Sreekala,C. O., Shankar,Balakrishnan

Publisher :AIP Conference Proceedings

Inter-Rater Reliability of a Dyslexia Screening Test

Authors : M. Haridas, Prof. Prema Nedungadi, Dr. Nirmala Vasudevan,, Sasikumar, L.,, Gutjahr, G, Raghu Raman

Publisher :2019 IEEE Tenth International Conference on Technology for Education (T4E) .

Stability analysis of magneto-rheological damper for suspension of commercial vehicles

Authors : R. K. Patnaik, N. Tamilarasan

Publisher :International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication,

City and Cinema – A Study based on the Movie Kammattipadam

Authors : Srudin J., Anand P., Varun Prabha T.

Publisher :International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research

Feature-Aware Knowledge Tracing for Generation of Concept-Knowledge Reports in an Intelligent Tutoring System

Authors : M. Haridas, Prof. Prema Nedungadi, Dr. Nirmala Vasudevan, Gayathry, S, Gutjahr, G., Raghu Raman

Publisher :2019 IEEE Tenth International Conference on Technology for Education (T4E)

Carbon nanotube reinforced poly(trimethylene terephthalate) nanocomposites: Viscoelastic properties and chain confinement

Authors : Aswathi, Madathinal Kunjappan, Prof. M. Padmanabhan, Mathew, Lovely, Saha, Prosenjit, Terzano, Roberto, Kalarikkal, Nandakumar, Volova, Tatiana, Thomas, Sabu

Publisher :Polymer Engineering & Science

A Delay Efficient Vedic Multiplier

Authors : Prabhu E., Mangalam, H., Gokul, P. R.

Publisher :Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section A: Physical Sciences

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