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The role of CSR in achieving SDGS in India

Authors : Aarya, R., Anila, S.P., Aswathy, T.A., Malavika, R., Arun, K.

Publisher :Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems

IoT-enabled service management system for smart dining environment

Authors : Murugesan, H., Revathy, N., Mathi, S.K.

Publisher :Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems

A secure scheme to manage complex password capable of overcoming human memory limitations

Authors : Maruthi Srinivas, S., Manchikanti, B., Chetan Babu, G., Harini, N.

Publisher :International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication

A deep learning approach to electric energy consumption modeling

Authors : Balaji, A.J., Harish Ram, D.S., Dr. Binoy B. Nair

Publisher :IOS Press

Efficient Android Malware Scanner using Hybrid Analysis

Authors : Dhanya, K.A., Dr. Gireesh K. T.

Publisher :International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)

User-entity behavior analytics (UEBA) – A systematic review of literatures

Authors : Revanth Filbert Raj, I., Babu, S.

Publisher :Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

Quantisation of Different Color Spaces in Image Retrieval – An Analysis

Authors : Aishwarya Harish, S. Ashwini, G.S. Anisha

Publisher :International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)

Comparative Study of Classification Algorithms in Chronic Kidney Disease

Authors : Pratibha Devishri S., Ragin O. R., G.S. Anisha

Publisher :International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)

Securing Mint Route Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks

Authors : Gopal L.S., Arjun S., Remya Nair T.

Publisher :International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering

Optimization of Bug Report Classification using Genetic Algorithm

Authors : Gayathri P M, Greeshma K Babu, G. Deepa

Publisher :International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)

A RoJayashree Nairman to Devanagari Back-Transliteration Algorithm based on Harvard-Kyoto Convention

Authors : Jayashree Nair, Dr. Anand S.

Publisher :2019 5th International Conference for Convergence in Technology, I2CT 2019

Performance comparison of SDN OpenFlow controllers

Authors : Vishnu Priya, A., Radhika, N.

Publisher :International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology

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