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Restructuring of supply chain of medicinal plants and its traceability through contract farming

Authors : Ann Mary Jones, Sony Vijayan

Publisher :Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research

Gender Identification of Code-Mixed Malayalam–English Data from WhatsApp

Authors : Chacko, V.R., Anand Kumar, M., Soman, K.P.

Publisher :Springer

Consumer behaviour and purchase intention for organic food products: a review

Authors : Krishna R., BalasubramanianP

Publisher :Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research

Perceived constraints of farmers in dairy farming in Kottayam district of Kerala

Authors : Elsa Elizabeth Jacob, Ambily A. S.

Publisher :Indian Veterinary Journal

Technology – A Game Changer in Co-Operative Milk Societies With Reference to Kottayam District, Kerala, India

Authors : Elsa Elizabeth Jacob, Ambily A. S.

Publisher :American International Journal of Research in Humanities

Capsule Neural Networks and Visualization for Segregation of Plastic and Non-Plastic Wastes

Authors : Sreelakshmi, K., Akarsh, S., Vinayakumar, R., Soman, K.P.

Publisher :ICACCS

Willful default or socially responsible – A study of Indian banks and companies

Authors : Kumar, M.S., Babu, S., Prabhavathi, K.

Publisher :Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

Social disclosures using social media in India

Authors : Guruswamy, A., Babu, S.

Publisher :Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

Develop a decision support system (DSS) for social activities by companies in India

Authors : Pal, S., Babu, S.

Publisher :Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

An enhanced scheme for authentication using OTP and QR code for MQTT protocol

Authors : Jayan, A.P., Balasubramani, A., Kaikottil, A., Harini, N.

Publisher :International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication,

CSR and social media analytics in India

Authors : Sree, A., Babu, S.

Publisher :Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

Latency reduction in ethernet open – Audio video bridging streams for automotive infotainment network

Authors : Varghese, R., Mathi, S.

Publisher :Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication

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