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Enhancement of mechanical and sliding wear properties of functionally graded Al-12Si-Cu composites

Authors : Jojith, R., Radhika, N.

Publisher :Materials Research Express, Institute of Physics Publishing,

Mechanical and tribological analysis of functionally graded aluminium hybrid composite using RSM approach

Authors : Sam, M., Radhika, N.

Publisher :Materials Research Express, Institute of Physics Publishing,

Ni-Zn-P catalyst supported on stainless steel gauze for enhanced electrochemical oxidation of methanol for direct methanol fuel cell application

Authors : Sunitha, M., Sathish, A., Ramachandran, Dr. Murali Rangarajan

Publisher :Materials Research Express

8-Spoke Planar Antenna for On-Chip Applications

Authors : A. H. Nair, Prakash, S, Akshay, V. P, Nair, D. C., Babu, S. V

Community health diagnosis in a tribal hamlet-a case study from India

Authors : Ramanarayanan, V., Ramanarayanan, V., Janakiram, C., Janakiram, C., Sanjeevan, V., Sanjeevan, V., Joseph, J., Joseph, J., Antony, B., Antony, B., Varghese, N., Varghese, N., Vineetha, K., Vineetha, K., Joseph, H., Joseph, H., Yeturu, S.K., Yeturu, S.K.

Publisher :Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development

Outcome of acute urinary tract infections caused by uropathogenic Escherichia coli with phenotypically demonstrable virulence factors

Authors : Pullanhi, U., Khan, S., Vinod, V., Mohan, K., Kumar, A.

Publisher :Annals of African Medicine

A comparative study on the floods of 1924 and 2018 in Kerala

Authors : Aiswarya Jyothi, K.G., Meera, B.

Publisher :Disaster Advances

Object Oriented Approach using C++

Authors : Subashri Vasudevan, Dr. Shriram K Vasudevan, D. P. Kothari

Enhancement of tribological performance of centrifuge cast functionally graded Cu-10Sn-5Ni alloy with ceramic reinforcements

Authors : Radhika, N., Sam, M.

Publisher :Journal of Materials Research and Technology

Facility recommendation system using domination set theory in graph

Authors : Sabarish, B.A., Vidhya, S.

Publisher :International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Publication

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