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Existential Crisis Unfolded: Representing the Social Milieu through Nonsense Literature: Ha-ja-ba-ra-la : A Case Study

Authors : Ankusha Bandyopadhyay, M.S. Zakirhussain

Publisher :Literary Endeavour - International Refereed / Peer Reviewed Journal

Beyond Darwinian Evolution : Celestine Vision – A Case Study

Authors : Ankusha Bandyopadhyay, M.S. Zakirhussain

Publisher :Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal

Development of Lean Six Sigma Training Module: Evidence from an Emerging Economy

Authors : Sreedharan V, Raja, Sunder M, Vijaya, Vandana M., Gurumurthy, Anand

Publisher :International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management

Video analytics-based intelligent surveillance system for smart buildings

Authors : Gautam, K.S., Dr. Senthil Kumar T.

Publisher :Soft Computing

ONESTOP: A tool for performing generic operations with visual support

Authors : Ganesan, G., Senthilkumar, S., Dr. Senthil Kumar T.

Publisher :Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics

Ptosis as a Unique Hallmark for Autosomal Recessive WNT1-associated Osteogenesis Imperfecta

Authors : Dr. Sheela Nampoothiri, Guillemyn, Brecht, Elcioglu, Nursel, Jagadeesh, Sujatha, Dhanya Yesodharan, Suresh, Beena, Turan, Serap, Symoens, Sofie, Malfait, Fransiska

Publisher :Am J Med Genet A

Challenges and changes in Indian rural credit market: a review

Authors : Sougata Ray

Publisher :Agricultural Finance Review

Thuvaraka Rasayana Regimen in Psoriasis Vulgaris – A Case Report

Authors : Krishna Kumar, K, Chacko James

Publisher :J Ayurveda Integr Med

Detection of weed using visual attention model and SVM classifier

Authors : Aparna, M., Radha, D.

Publisher :Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics

Developing core elements and checklist items for global hospital antimicrobial stewardship programmes: a consensus approach.

Authors : Pulcini, C, Binda, F, Lamkang, A S, Trett, A, Charani, E, Goff, D A, Harbarth, S, Hinrichsen, S L, Levy-Hara, G, Mendelson, M, Nathwani, D, Gunturu, R, Singh, S, Srinivasan, A, Thamlikitkul, V, Thursky, K, Vlieghe, E, Wertheim, H, Zeng, M, Gandra, S, Laxminarayan, R

Publisher :Clin Microbiol Infect

Prediction of cancer using customised fuzzy rough machine learning approaches.

Authors : Arunkumar Chinnaswamy, Ramakrishnan, Srinivasan

Publisher :Healthc Technol Lett

Detection of Dysregulated Host Response By Flow Cytometry May Pre-Empt Early Diagnosis of Sepsis after Cardiac Surgery

Authors : Dr. Ullas Mony, Sanju S., Paresh Jain, Sugavanan K., Agnes Sebastian, Theertha M., Dr. Neeraj Siddarthan, Praveen K. Varma

Publisher :Blood

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