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Knowledge transfer in non-profit organisations: A qualitative study

Authors : Barpanda, Saswat, Thamatoor, Mridula

Publisher :International Journal of Knowledge and Learning

Relevance of Panchamahabhuta in Ayurveda

Authors : Dhanya Krishnan, Dr. Ramdas P. V., C. Ushakumari, Dr. Haroon Irshad

Publisher :Proceedings of National Seminar on Environmental vision in Vedas

Miniaturized CPR Feedback device using Arduino and ArdLAB

Authors : R. Resmi, C. K. Ashis., S. R. Adarsh, J. Jacob

Publisher :2019 IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Communication Technologies (ICECCT), IEEE

Relationship of employee’s perception on health and safety measures and job performance: the mediating effects of job satisfaction

Authors : Dr. Saswat Barpanda, Bhagyalakshmi U

Publisher :International Journal of Environment, Workplace and Employment

Organizational Metaphors – the Case of Organization Development Intervention at ABC Business School

Authors : Anju Kamal

Publisher :ON Research - Journal of EU Business School

Regenerative Chatter Control in Turning Process using Constrained Viscoelastic Vibration Absorber

Authors : H. V. Ganapath Ram , Saravanamurugan, S.,

Publisher :IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, IOP Publishing,

Design and implementation of brushless doubly fed induction machine with new stator winding configuration

Authors : R. Resmi, Vanitha, V., Nambiar, T. N. P, Sasi K Kottayil

Publisher :Wind Engineering, p.0309524X19868423 (2019)

Estimation of maximum range for underwater optical communication using PIN and avalanche photodetectors

Authors : Viswas Sadasivan, M. P. A. Das, P. Arjun, A. S. Bhaskaran, P. S. Aravind, T. R. Aswin

Publisher :2019 International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communication Engineering (ICACCE),

An experimental analysis on reading historical narrative as literary artefact: A metahistorical analysis of Manu S. Pillai’s Rebel Sultans

Authors : Raj, R., Sreenath Muraleedharan, K.

Publisher :International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering

Hierarchical self-assembled energetic materials and formation methods

Authors : Gangopadhyay, S., Chung, S.W., Dr. T. Rajagopalan, Staley, C.S., Gangopadhyay, K., Raymond, K.E.

Non- Enzymatic Glucose Sensor.

Authors : Dr. Bipin G. Nair, Satheesh Babu T.G, Ramachandran T

Publisher :US 10 , 330 , 634 B2

Does Autonomy Matter in State Owned Enterprises? – Evidence from Performance Contracts in India

Authors : Dr. Sangeetha G

Publisher :The Economics of Transition

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