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Tubercular Aortitis Presenting as Primary Aortoenteric Fistula: Report of an Uncommon Case

Authors : Ajay Savlania, Vibhav Sharma, Pulkit Rastogi, Harjeet Singh, Vishal Sharma, Harshal S. Mandavdhare

” Was It Real?”-The Effects of Virtual Reality Communication Skills Training Among University Students in India

Authors : Meltem Alkoyak-Yildiz, Sooraj K. Babu, Parameswari Anitha, Mukil M. V.

Publisher :IEEE

An Improved T-Junction Power Divider Using Linearly Tapered Microstrip Lines

Authors : Ramanand Sagar Sangam, Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum

Publisher :IEEE

Dual-port, aperture coupled and tapered fed patch antenna for full-duplex ISM applications

Authors : Rakhesh S. Kshetrimayum, Ramanand S. Sangam, Sreeni Poolakkal, Ramkumar Palthiya, Nagarjuna Nallam

Publisher :Wiley

An asymmetrical slot circularly polarized on-chip antenna for wireless SoC applications at 2.45 GHz

Authors : Harshavardhan Singh, Biki Raj Hazarika, Sachin Kumar, Sujit Kumar Mandal

Publisher :IEEE

Silicon-based ferrite loaded miniaturized on-chip antenna for biomedical applications with improved gain & efficiency

Authors : S.K. Mandai, Harshavardhan Singh, Sanjukta Mandai

Publisher :IEEE

Design of a Compact Monopole On-Chip Antenna for 24 GHz Automotive Radar Application

Authors : Ashhis Kumar Mal, Sanjukta Mandal, Harshavardhan Singh, Sujit Kumar Mandal, Rajat Mahapatra

Publisher :IEEE

A comprehensive experimental characterisation of a novel porous media combustion-based thermophotovoltaic system with controlled emission

Authors : R. A. Taylor, P. Gentillon, S. Singh, S. Lakshman, Z. Zhang, A. Paduthol, N.J. Ekins-Daukes, Q. N. Chan

Publisher :Elsevier

Exploring the possibilities of Psychometric Index development for Online Medical Tourism Reviews

Authors : Santanu Mandal, Arjun Sreedhar, Sreejith Nair, Uthra Vijeshwari

Area of Hysteresis Loop of a Generic Memristor Emulator

Authors : Mohammed Suhail, Nune Pratyusha, Santanu Mandal, Rohit Bhargav Peesa

Publisher :IEEE

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