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Mode I Fracture Toughness Analysis of Rubber Particulate Epoxy Composite

Authors : Chandan Reddy K, Bharathiraja G, Jayakumar V.

Publisher :Materials Today: Proceedings

Evaluation of Mechanical Characterization of CFRP Reinforced Stainless Steel (SS304) Wire Mesh Polymer Composite

Authors : Kiran S. D, Jayakumar V, Madhu S.

Publisher :IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering,

Information retrieval and processing system for news articles in English

Authors : Karumudi, , G.V.N.S.K., , Sathyajit, R., , Harikumar, S.

Publisher :2019 9th International Conference on Advances in Computing and Communication (ICACC)

Investigation on Mode I Interlaminar Fracture Toughness of Chemically Treated / Untreated Saw Dust Powder Based Jute Fabric Reinforced Epoxy Composite Structure

Authors : Suthan R, Jayakumar V, Madhu S.

Publisher :IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering

SubspaceDB: In-database subspace clustering for analytical query processing

Authors : Harikumar, S., , Kaimal, M.R.

Publisher :Elsevier

Linguistic Vernacularization in Malayalam Cinema: Urban Kochi Slang and Youth Identity

Authors : Jayakrishnan Narayanan, Rajesh Kumar

Publisher :Cambridge Scholars Publishing

Synthesis Characterisation and anti-microbial properties of two Salicylaldimine Schiff base complexes of transition metals

Authors : Omanakuttan, Anaja; , Priyanka, G; , Divya Mohan R

Publisher :IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, IOP Publishing, Volume 561, p.012050 (2019)

Usage and Diffusion of Biotechnology Virtual Labs for Enhancing University Education in India’s Urban and Rural Areas

Authors : Diwakar, S, Radhamani, R, Sujatha, G, Sasidharakurup, H, Shekhar, A., Achuthan, K, Nedungadi, P, Raman, R., Nair, B

Publisher :IGI Global

Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure and Financial Transparency: Evidence from India

Authors : Rajiv Nair, Mohammad Muttakin, Arifur Khan, Nava Subramaniam, V.S. Somanath

Fabrication and Characterization of Toughened Nanocomposites Based on TiO2 Nanowire-Epoxy System

Authors : Konnola, Raneesh; , Deeraj, B. D. S.; , Sampath, Srinivasan; , Dr. Saritha A.; , Joseph, Kuruvilla

Publisher :Polymer Composites, Volume 40, Number 7, p.2629-2638 (2019)

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