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Numerical Analysis of Discrete Element Camber Morphing Airfoil in the Reynolds number of Conventional Flyers

Authors : Rajesh Senthil Kumar.T, Nikitha Narayanaprasad, Yashmitha Kumaran, Sivakumar.V, Dr. Balajee Ramakrishnananda

Publisher :3rd International Conference on Innovative Design, Analysis and Development Practices in Aerospace and Automotive Engineering, Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr Sagunthala R&D Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai .

Automatic Antenna Orientation and Stabilization System and Method

Authors : Sethuraman N Rao, Maneesha, V. Ramesh, P Venkat Rangan

Publisher :, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham .

Trajectory tracking using a Bio-inspired neural network for a low cost robotic articulator

Authors : Rajendran A., , and , Abdulsalam A, Dr. Shyam Diwakar, Mohan D, Thazepurayil J, Prabhat S, Dr. Bipin G. Nair

Semi-Empirical Simulations of Base functionalized Graphene Oxide and Bisphenol A

Authors : Vinoj Vasu, Dr. Murali Rangarajan

Publisher :2nd International Conference on Recent Trends in Analytical Chemistry (ICORTAC-2018), University of Madras, Chennai, University of Madras, Chennai.

Assess the level of Stress among Antenatal Mothers

Authors : Linda Varghese, Aswathy Krishnan, Anitha Joseph, Dimna Davis

Publisher :Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development .

Attribute Selection using Fuzzy Roughset based Customized Similarity Measure for Lung Cancer Microarray Gene Expression Data

Authors : Arunkumar Chinnaswamy, S. Ramakrishnan

Publisher :Future Computing and Informatics Journal .

Shrinkage and non-recurrence of Ethmoidal Nasal Polyp with ayurvedic treatment – Case report

Authors : K. Siva Balaji, Ashwini B. N.

Publisher :Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine .

Resolution of fluid and normalised hearing sensitivity in otitis media with effusion by ayurveda management

Authors : K. Siva Balaji, Sundararaman, Ashwini B. N.

Publisher :Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research .

Biomedical waste management in Ayurveda hospitals – current practices & future prospectives.

Authors : Rajan, Renju, Robin, Delvin T, M, Vandanarani

Publisher :J Ayurveda Integr Med

Analysis of image segmentation methods on Amrita’s Indian side face profile database

Authors : Arjun, A., Singh, T.

Publisher :Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing,

Screening of phytochemicals for antifungal activity against the soft rot disease caused by Fusarium oxysporum

Authors : Suja Subhash

Publisher :Proceedings of International seminar on Phytochemistry

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