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A comparative study on mechanical properties of heat treated steel EN24 and its MMC with SIC

Authors : Dileep, B.P., Sridhar, B.R.

Publisher :Indian Journal of Engineering & Materials Sciences

Precipitation Behavior of IN718 After Surface Mechanical Attrition Treatment (SMAT) and Its Effect on Wear Properties

Authors : Bisht, A., Gaddam, S., Kumar, L., Dileep, B.P., Suwas, S

Publisher :Springer

Integrating Electronics on Plywood for Marine Applications

Authors : Sabarish Narayanan B, Ramya V

Publisher :Materials today proceedings

Coir Composite Based Electronics for Microwave Charging of Electric Vehicles

Authors : B. Sabarish Narayanan, Poornima Shanbhag

Publisher :Materials today Proceedings

Yolk Sac Tumor of Stomach: Case Report and Review of Literature

Publisher :Journal of Indian Association of PediatricSurgeons

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