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PVC membrane Sensor Immobilized with Clopidogrel-Tetraiodo Bismuthate for the Potentiometric Determination of Clopidogrel from Pharmaceutical Formulations

Authors : A. Santhy, A. Santhy, A. Santhy, Rejithamol, R, Rejithamol, R, Rejithamol, R, Dr. Beena S, Dr. Beena S, Dr. Beena S, P. Sankar, P. Sankar, P. Sankar, Vidya, R, Vidya, R, Vidya, R

Publisher :Materials Today: Proceedings,

Catalytic Upgrading of Ethanol to 1-​butanol via Guerbet Reaction

Authors : Dr. Naveen V. Kulkarni, William D. Jones

Publisher :CTric 2018 – National Conference, CUSAT – Kochi.

Manganese derivatives of 1,3-bis (2-pyridylimino) isoindoline as DNA intercalators

Authors : Reshma G. Prabhakar, Dr. Naveen V. Kulkarni, Varadha Padmanabhan

Importance of Sanskrit language in learning Ayurveda

Authors : Lekshmi V. R., Haritha Chandran, Dr. Ramdas P. V., Dr. Leena P. Nair

Publisher :Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences

FPGA Based Real Time Bluetooth Communication for Tele health, Household Security and Industry Safety

Authors : Paramasivam C., E. Aravindhan, R. Hari priya, M. Hema, A. Chandrabhan singh

Publisher :Proceedings on International Conference on Modern Global Research in Engineering Technology (ICMGRET)

Formulation and evaluation of antimicrobial gels for the treatment of paronychia

Authors : Mohanan, S., Rasheed, N., Bimal Raj, K.S.

Publisher :International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics

Fabrication and characterization of CFRP composite laminates with induced discontinuities

Authors : Chaithra, B.K., Prasad, C.S., Vitala, H.R., Dileep, B.P.

Publisher :International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development

Extraction of Facial Features for Depression Detection among Students

Authors : Venkataraman, D., Parameswaran, N.S.

Publisher :International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

Extracting the features of emotion from EEG signals and classify using affective computing

Authors : Chinmayi, R., Nair, G.J., Soundarya, M., Poojitha, D.S., Venugopal, G., Vijayan, J.

Publisher :Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking, WiSPNET 2017

Compact, Handheld Dosa Bot Design

Authors : Rajesh Kannan Megalingam, BCSC, S., Raagul, S, AVS, Y., , Sriniketh, K

Publisher :Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI 2018).

Facial Expression Classification Using Machine Learning Approach: A Review

Authors : A. Baskar, Dr. Gireesh K. T.

Publisher :Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

Expression and Purification of Quinine Dihydro Pteridine Reductase from astrocytes and its significance in the astrocyte pathology

Authors : Chandrashekaran, S., Karthikeyan, S., Balakrishnan, A., Nair, S., Satheesh Kumar, M.K., Vattathara, J.J., Menon, K.N., Shantikumar V Nair

Publisher :International Journal of Biological Macromolecules

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