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Single-Fraction Radiation: A Promising Adjuvant Therapy to Prevent Keloid Recurrence

Authors : Sruthi, K, Chelakkot, Prameela G, R. Madhavan, Nair, Rajesh R, Dinesh, Makuny

Publisher :J Cancer Res Ther .

Child Sexual Abuse – The Current Scenario

Authors : Taniya P.H.A, Rajesh N, Anu Sasidharan

Publisher :Amrita J Med .

An exploratory study on information retention in social media platforms among Generation Y (ABDC-C)

Authors : Abhijith Unnikrishnan , Rejikumar G.

Publisher :International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising.

Patient centeredness in health care: Perspectives from an empirical investigation (Scopus)

Authors : Rejikumar G., K. S. Archana

Publisher :Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research.

Pharmaceutical Marketing: Directions for Customer Orientation

Authors : Rejikumar G., Aswathy Asokan Ajitha, Gopi Kumar V.

Publisher :Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology .

Camphor Poisoning: A Rare Cause of Acute Symptomatic Seizures in Children

Authors : Mathen, Prannoy George, Sreekrishnan, T P, Gireesh Kumar K. P., Naveen Mohan

Publisher :J Emerg Trauma Shock .

Paradoxical Vocal Cord Motion in a Pair of Twin Preterm Infants.

Authors : Chandramati, Jayasree, Majeed, Abdul, Aswin S. Prabhu, Ponthenkandath, Sasidharan

Publisher :Indian Pediatr .

Secondary Lymphedema After Head and Neck Cancer Therapy: A Review

Authors : Anand, A, Deepak Balasubramanian, Subramanian, N, Murthy, S, Limbachiya, S, Iyer, S, Thankappan, K, Sharma, M

Publisher :Lymphology

A Secure and Privacy Preserving Approach to Protect User Data Across Cloud Based Online Social Networks

Authors : Kumaran U., Neelu Khare

Publisher :International Journal of Grid and High Performance Computing, ESCI journal (Accepted) .

An Efficient and Secure Content Contribution and Retrieval Content in Online Social Networks Using Level by Level Security Optimization & Content Visualization Algorithm

Authors : Kumaran U., Neelu Khare

Publisher :Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,

Persistent left superior vena cava: What an anesthesiologist needs to know?

Authors : Nandakumar, Keerthi P, Maitra, Souvik

Publisher :J Anaesthesiol Clin Pharmacol

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