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The Eminence of Neutrophil-lymphocyte Count Ratio in Predicting Bacteremia for Community-acquired Infections at an Emergency Medicine Department in a Tertiary Care Setting.

Authors : Manohar, Vishnu, Prasad, S Bharath, Raj, Shilpa, Sreekrishnan, T P, Gireesh Kumar K. P.

Publisher :J Emerg Trauma Shock .

National survey of infection control programmes in South Asian association for Regional Cooperation countries in the era of patient safety.

Authors : Gupta, Shakti Kumar, Siddharth, Vijaydeep, Belagere, Mahesh R, Stewardson, Andrew James, Kant, Sunil, Dr. Sanjeev K. Singh, Singh, Nalini

Publisher :Indian J Med Microbiol .

Cholangiocarcinoma Treatment with Synchrony-based Robotic Radiosurgery System: Tracking Options

Authors : Debnarayan Dutta, Menon, Anjali, Abraham, Aswin George, Ram Madhavan, Nair, Haridas, Shalet, P G, Jishan, J, Holla, Raghavendra

Publisher :J Radiosurg SBRT .

A study on the circulating genotypes of hepatitis C virus in a tertiary care hospital in Central Kerala.

Authors : John, Maria, Oommen, Seema, Jagan, Ozhiparambhil Anilkumar, George, Sincy, Pillai, Sivan

Publisher :Indian J Med Microbiol .

Lithium-Induced Thyroiditis in a Patient Having Bipolar Affective Disorder – A Rare Case Report.

Authors : Arathil, Praveen, Mathew, Kotchuthressia, Narayanan, Dinesh

Publisher :Indian J Psychol Med .

Extensive Extrapulvinar Calcification in Fabry Disease.

Authors : Baishya, Jitupam, Kesav, Praveen, Dr. Sheela Nampoothiri, Sreedharan, Sapna Erat, Sylaja, P N

Publisher :Ann Indian Acad Neurol .

Outcomes Following Pharyngeal Reconstruction in Total Laryngectomy – Institutional Experience and Review of Literature

Authors : Deepak Balasubramanian, Subramaniam, Narayana, Rathod, Priyank, Murthy, Samskruthi, Mohit Sharma, Jimmy Mathew, Thankappan, Krishnakumar, Dr. Subramania Iyer K.

Publisher :Indian J Plast Surg .

Mitochondrial Acetoacetyl-CoA Thiolase Enzyme Deficiency in a 9-month Old Boy: Atypical Urinary Metabolic Profile with a Novel Homozygous Mutation in ACAT1 Gene

Authors : Sundaram, Soumya, Nair, Muralidharan, Dr. Sheela Nampoothiri, Menon, Ramshekhar N

Publisher :Neurol India .

CSR Disclosure and Financial Transparency: Evidence From India

Authors : Rajiv Nair, Mohammad Muttakin, Arifur Khan, Nava Subramaniam, V Somanath

Single-Fraction Radiation: A Promising Adjuvant Therapy to Prevent Keloid Recurrence

Authors : Sruthi, K, Chelakkot, Prameela G, R. Madhavan, Nair, Rajesh R, Dinesh, Makuny

Publisher :J Cancer Res Ther .

Child Sexual Abuse – The Current Scenario

Authors : Taniya P.H.A, Rajesh N, Anu Sasidharan

Publisher :Amrita J Med .

An exploratory study on information retention in social media platforms among Generation Y (ABDC-C)

Authors : Abhijith Unnikrishnan , Rejikumar G.

Publisher :International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising.

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