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Identification of Prolargin Expression in Articular Cartilage and its Significance in Rheumatoid Arthritis Pathology

Authors : Vinod Soman Pillai, Rameshwari R. Kundargi, Fabia Edathadathil, Shantikumar V Nair, Jai Thilak, Roshini Anney Mathew, Tessy Xavier, Padmanabha Shenoy, Krishnakumar N. Menon

Publisher :International Journal of Biological Macromolecules

ICT mediated rumor beliefs and resulting user actions during a community crisis

Authors : Oh, O., Gupta, P., Agrawal, M., Raghav Rao, H.

Publisher :Government Information Quarterly

Delay Reduced Multimedia Transmission in Medical Emergencies

Authors : Adwitiya Mukhopadhyay, Rony P Shaji, Ashil Raj

Publisher :2018 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics,

Identification of a Novel Splice Variant of Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule in Glioblastoma Through Proteogenomics Analysis.

Authors : Jayaram, Savita, Lavanya Balakrishnan, Singh, Manika, Zabihi, Azin, Ganesh, Raksha A, Kiran K. Mangalaparthi, Sonpatki, Pranali, Gupta, Manoj Kumar, Amaresha, Chaitra B, Prasad, Komal, Mariswamappa, Kiran, Pillai, Shibu, Lakshmikantha, Akhila, Shah, Nameeta, Ravi Sirdeshmukh

Publisher :OMICS

A study on corporate social responsibility and business sustainability in today?s competitive world: A case study on jyothy laboratories pvt ltd

Authors : Dr. Rethy B Menon, Narendran V.

Publisher :International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology,

(I-3,II-3)-Biacacetin-mediated Cell Death involves Mitochondria

Authors : Jyotsna Nambiar, Gayathri Vijayakumar, G. Drishya, Sanu K Shaji, Nanjan Pandurangan, Geetha B. Kumar, Dr. Bipin G. Nair

Publisher :Molecular and cellular biochemistry

Hypervisor for consolidating real-time automotive control units: Its procedure, implications and hidden pitfalls

Authors : Sundar Rajan, A.K., Feucht, A., Gamer, L., Smaili, I., M., N.D.

Publisher :Journal of Systems Architecture

A hybrid infallible scheme for secure audio exchange

Authors : Harini, N., M. Kumar, Ananthasayanam, A., Aravind, A., Aravindh, R.

Publisher :International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

Home automation in client-server approach with user notification along with efficient security alerting system

Authors : Brundha, S.M., Lakshmi, P., Santhanalakshmi, S.

Publisher :Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference On Smart Technology for Smart Nation, SmartTechCon 2017

Hotel Categories and Customer Reviews

Authors : Dr. Sangeetha G, Siddharth, K., Sudhakar, S.

Publisher :International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

Effect of dynamically varying zone hedging policies on surface water reservoir operational performance during climate change

Authors : Adeloye, A.J, Soundharajan B.

Publisher :Rain, Rivers Reservoirs Conference

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