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Implementation of FIR Filter and MAC Unit by using Neural Networks in FPGA

Authors : Aditya Chauhan, P. Sathish Kumar

Publisher :Symposium on VLSI Design and Embedded Computing (VDEC’18), co-affiliated with Seventh International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI-2018)

Implementation of Doppler beam Sharpening Technique for Synthetic Aperture Radars

Authors : Ms. Peter Joseph Basil Morris, Mr. Kunj Dhonde, Ms. Priya B. K.

Publisher :Third International Conference on Emerging Research in Electronics, Computer Science Technology (ICERECT 2018), PES College of Engineering, Mandya

Implementation of Artificial Neural Network on Raspberry Pi for Signal Processing Applications

Authors : Vineetha K, Dr. Dhanesh G. Kurup

Publisher :ICACCI

Implementation of Compact Wearable Fall Detector for the Elderly

Authors : Sai Sathish M. R, Vamsi Krishna, Arjun V S S, Bhavana V.

Publisher :7th IEEE International conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI)

The impact of workplace friendships on organizational commitment and intention to leave

Authors : Akila, A., Priyadarshini, R.G.

Publisher :IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering

Analysis of Multi Level Current Source Inverter for Low Torque Applications

Authors : Rajaram, Mahalakshmi, Deepa, K, Dr. Sindhu Thampatty K.C.

Publisher :Journal of Green Engineering

Impact of green building concept on sustainability of office buildings-a case study

Authors : Kumara, G.D., Maya Naik, S.N., Shankara, Ramakrishnaiah, C.R.

Publisher :Pollution Research

Classification of High Resolution Remote Sensing Images using Deep Learning Techniques

Authors : Bini Alias, Rajendran Karthika, Dr. Latha Parameswaran

Publisher :2018 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI)

Impact of Environmental policy stringency on FDI: A global perspective

Authors : Rahul, R, P.K. Viswanathan

Publisher :International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

Kernel Based Approaches for Context Based Image Annotatıon

Authors : Nair, L. Swati, Manjusha, R., Dr. Latha Parameswaran

Publisher :Computational Vision and Bio Inspired Computing, Springer International Publishing

Impact of Data – Driven Decision Making in Lean Six Sigma : An Empirical Analysis

Authors : Dr. Rejikumar G., A. Aswathy Asokan, Raja Sreedharan V.

Publisher :Total Quality Management Business Excellence

Impact of anchor position errors on WSN localization using mobile anchor positioning algorithm

Authors : Kumar, M.S., Ramanathan, R.

Publisher :Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.

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