Authors : C. Baladevi, Sandhya Harikumar
Publisher :2018 International Conference on Data Science and Engineering, ICDSE 2018, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Authors : Ashwanth Unni, Nidheep Eg, Saurav Vinod, Lekha S. Nair
Publisher :2018 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI), Bangalore, India.
Authors : Mellinghoff, S.C., Hartmann, P., Cornely, F.B., Knauth, L., Köhler, F., Köhler, P., Krause, C., Kronenberg, C., Kranz, S.-L., Menon, V., Müller, H., Naendrup, J.-H., Pützfeld, S., Ronge, A., Rutz, J., Seidel, D., Wisplinghoff, H., Cornely, O.A.
Publisher :European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
Authors : Krishnan, G., Dr. Anand K. B.
Publisher :IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Authors : Mithun Haridas, Prof. Prema Nedungadi, Raghu Raman
Publisher :IEEE
Authors : Badgujar Pankaj, R., Rangarajan, S., Nagaraja, S.R.
Publisher :MATEC Web of Conferences
Authors : H. Sathyan, Vinitha Panicker J
Publisher :2018 9th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), IEEE, Bangalore, India.
Authors : Dr. Dhanya Krishnan, Dr. Ramdas P. V., Dr. Haroon Irshad, Haritha Chandran, Dr. Leena P. Nair
Publisher :International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research
Authors : Subramaniam, N., Balasubramanian, D., Rka, P., Murthy, S., Rathod, P., Vidhyadharan, S., Thankappan, K., Iyer, S.
Publisher :Indian Journal of Surgical Oncology
Authors : Ranjith, R.S., Vishwas, H.N.
Publisher :Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference On Smart Technology for Smart Nation, SmartTechCon 2017
Authors : Parvathy S, Dr. Sindhu Thampatty K.C., T.N PadmanabhanNambiar
Publisher :2018 15th IEEE India Council International Conference (INDICON).IEEE INDICON 2018
Authors : Dr. Radhika N, Dr. Thirumalini S., Shivashankar, A.
Publisher :Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals