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Co-occurrence based word representation for extracting named entities in Tamil tweets

Authors : Remmiya Devi, G., Anand Kumar, M., Soman, K.P.

Publisher :Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, IOS Press

Cooling Aerosols and Changes in Albedo Counteract Warming from CO2 and Black Carbon from Forest Bioenergy in Norway

Authors : Anders Arvesen, Francesco Cherubini, Gonzalo del Alamo Serrano, Rasmus Astrup, Michael Becidan, Helmer Belbo, Franziska Goile, Tuva Grytli, Geoffrey Guest, Carine Lausselet, Per Kristian Rørstad, Line Rydså, Morten Seljeskog, Øyvind Skreiberg, Sajith Vezhapparambu, Anders Hammer Strømman

Publisher :Scientific Reports

Co-precipitation as a tool for effective doping of magnesium in zinc oxide: Studies on structural, optical and photocatalytic properties

Authors : Sachin Varma, U., Gautham, P., Ravi Kumar, D.V., Sreekanth, K.M., Sivasubramanian, G., Sreedhar, K.M.

Publisher :Rasayan Journal of Chemistry

Control of bionic arm using ICA-EEG

Authors : Gayathri, G., Udupa, G., Nair, G.J.

Publisher :2017 International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Instrumentation and Control Technologies, ICICICT 2017

Control of Real Power Flow in the Transmission Line Using PWM Based Voltage Source Inverter

Authors : Shaikshavali Swamy, P., Janarthanan, N., Dr. Balamurugan S.

Publisher :2018 National Power Engineering Conference, NPEC 2018

Comprehensive Medical Toxicology

Authors : Pillay V. V.

Publisher :: Paras Medical Publisher,

Comprehensive network map of interferon gamma signaling.

Authors : Mohd Younis Bhat, Hitendra S. Solanki, Jayshree Advani, Aafaque Ahmad Khan, T. S. Keshava Prasad, Harsha Gowda, Thiyagarajan, Saravanan, Aditi Chatterjee

Publisher :J Cell Commun Signal

A comprehensive crowd-sourcing approach to urban flood management

Authors : Guntha, R., Rao, S., Benndorf, M., Haenselmann, T.

Publisher :Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST

Comparison of statistical and soft computing models for predicting hardness and wear rate of Cu-Ni-Sn alloy

Authors : Dr. Ilangovan S., R. Vaira Vignesh, R. Padmanaban, J. Gokulachandran

Publisher :Progress in Computing, Analytics and Networking, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer Verlag

A Complete analytical characterization of products obtained from pyrolysis of wood barks of Calophylluminophyllum

Authors : Sakthivel R., Ramesh K, Mohamed Shameer P, Purnachandran R

Publisher :Waste and Biomass valorization

A comparison of fatigue life improvement methods for an existing offshore Jacket platform structure

Authors : Reghu, S., Sruthy, S.

Publisher :International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE)

Comparison of different acoustic Models for Kannada Language using Kaldi Toolkit

Authors : Srilasya, Sahana T., Vinay S., K. Jeeva Priya, Dr. Deepa Gupta

Publisher :7th IEEE International conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI)

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