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Power And Delay Efficient Exact Adder For Approximate Multiplier

Authors : V. V. Kavipranesh, J. Janarthanan, T. N. Amruth, T. M. Harisuriya, Prabhu E.

Publisher :2018 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI).

Detection and isolation of Black Hole in VANET

Authors : Gautham, P.S., Shanmughasundaram, R.

Publisher :2017 International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Instrumentation and Control Technologies, ICICICT 2017

Detecting Ransomware using GURLS

Authors : Harikrishnan, N., Soman, K.

Publisher :Proceedings of 2018 2nd International Conference on Advances in Electronics, Computers and Communications, ICAECC 2018

Detecting phishing E-mail using machine learning techniques CEN-SecureNLP

Authors : Unnithan, N.A., Harikrishnan, N.B., Vinayakumar, R., Soman, K.P., Sundarakrishna, S.

Publisher :CEUR Workshop Proceedings

Control for transformation of a four wheeled to two wheeled mobile robot

Authors : J.S.Lekshmi, Nandagopal J. L.

Publisher :Materials Today: Proceedings .

Detecting malicious domain names using deep learning approaches at scale

Authors : Vinayakumar, R., Dr. Soman K. P., Poornachandran, P.

Publisher :Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, IOS Press

Detecting Android malware using Long Short-term Memory (LSTM)

Authors : Vinayakumar, R., Soman, K.P., Poornachandran, P., Sachin Kumar, S.

Publisher :Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems

Destroying steganography usage over HTTPS

Authors : Prasath, S.S., Amritha, P.P., Sethumadhavan, M.

Publisher :International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

Design, synthesis and pharmacological evaluation of 2-phenyl quinazolin-4-one derivatives as anticolorectal cancer and anti-inflammatory agent

Authors : Bosco, D., Balakrishnan, A., Mishra, R., Aneesh, T.P.

Publisher :Asian Journal of Chemistry

Design, Simulation and Fabrication of Passive Micromixers with Ridges for Enhanced Mixing Efficiency

Authors : Vidhya Vijayanandh, Aarathi Pradeep, Dr. Satheesh Babu T. G.

Publisher :IConAMMA

Compound optimal docking of multiple spacecrafts with formation reconfiguration

Authors : Nandagopal J. L., A. Vivek, Dr. Purushothaman A.

Publisher :2018 4th International Conference on Control, Automation and Robotics (ICCAR).

Design of Microwave Absorbers using Improvised Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm

Authors : H, Mouna, Mekaladevi V, M, Nirmala Devi

Publisher :scielo

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