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Mutation update for the GPC3 gene involved in Simpson-Golabi-Behmel syndrome and review of the literature.

Authors : Vuillaume, Marie-Laure, Moizard, Marie-Pierre, Rossignol, Sylvie, Cottereau, Edouard, Vonwill, Sandrine, Alessandri, Jean-Luc, Busa, Tiffany, Colin, Estelle, Gérard, Marion, Giuliano, Fabienne, Lambert, Laetitia, Lefevre, Mathilde, Kotecha, Udhaya, Nampoothiri, Sheela, Netchine, Irène, Raynaud, Martine, Brioude, Frédéric, Toutain, Annick

Publisher :Hum Mutat

Myocardial injury after noncardiac surgery-incidence and predictors from a prospective observational cohort study at an Indian tertiary care centre.

Authors : George, Rubin, Menon, Vidya P, Edathadathil, Fabia, Balachandran, Sabarish, Moni, Merlin, Sathyapalan, Dipu, Prasanna, Preetha, S, Gokuldas, Paul, Jerry, K K, Chandrababu, Kumar, Lakshmi, Pillai, Ashok

Publisher :Medicine (Baltimore)

An Early Warning System for Traffic and Road Safety Hazards using Collaborative Crowd Sourcing

Authors : P. R. Pooja, B. Hariharan

Publisher :2017 International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP), Chennai, India.

An efficient method for computing the interaction of open ended circular waveguide with a layered media

Authors : P. Mathur Kurup, Dr. Dhanesh G. Kurup, M. D. Perez, S R M Shah, J. Velander, R. Augustine

Publisher :Progress in Electromagnetics Research Letters, Electromagnetics Academy

An Efficient Context-Aware Music Recommendation Based on Emotion and Time Context

Authors : C. Selvi, Sivasankar, E.

Publisher :Lecture Notes on data Engineering and Communications Technologies

Earliest execution demand first routing protocol for WDM optical networks

Authors : Rao, P.L.S., Santosh, K.V.V.N.D., Ramesh, T.K., Konda, S.K.

Publisher :Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking, WiSPNET 2017

Early Neurodevelopmental Outcomes After Corrective Cardiac Surgery In Infants.

Authors : Solomon, Ritchie Sharon, Sasi, Tanuja, Sudhakar, Abish, Kumar, Raman Krishna, Vaidyanathan, Balu

Publisher :Indian Pediatr

Multi-sensor data fusion using NIHS transform and decomposition algorithms

Authors : Ankarao, V., Sowmya V., Dr. Soman K. P.

Publisher :Multimedia Tools and Applications

Multiport inverter with AC-link

Authors : Vinay, N.S.R., Saisuriyaa, G., Balakrishnan, P.

Publisher :IEEE International Conference on Power, Control, Signals and Instrumentation Engineering, ICPCSI 2017

Dynamics and performance evaluation of an asymmetric nonlinear vibration isolation mechanism

Authors : Dr. Santhosh B.

Publisher :Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering

Multi-response optimisation of machining parameters in electrical discharge machining of Al LM25/AlB2 functionally graded composite using grey relation analysis

Authors : Dr. Radhika N, Punnath, Neeraj, Charan Katamreddy, Sai

Publisher :International Journal of Machining and Machinability of Materials

Efficiency of radiology services: A case study in Karnataka, India

Authors : Maria Sabastin, S., Babu, S., John, R.M.

Publisher :Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

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