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A new perspective on neutrosophic differential equation

Authors : Sumathi I. R., Mohana Priya, V.

Publisher :International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE)

Effect of Hardware Trojans on the Performance of a Coded Communication System

Authors : A. R. Aravind, S. R. Kesavaraman, Dr. Karthi Balasubramanian, Dr. Yamuna B., K. Lingasubramaniam

Publisher :IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE)

Numerical solution for stick-slip oscillator with geometric non-linearity

Authors : Ratnesh Kumar Singh, K. Devarajan, Dr. Santhosh B.

Publisher :IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering

Smart gloves: A novel 3-D work space generation for compound two hand gestures

Authors : Bhardawaj, H., Dhaker, M., Sivani, K., Nandi Vardhan, H.R.

Publisher :ACM International Conference Proceeding Series

Effect of dimensions of various spikes of a spiked cylinder on the buzz phenomenon subjected to hypersonic flows

Authors : Rajesh, R., Rakesh, S.G.

Publisher :International Journal of Fluid Mechanics Research

Effect of dynamic mode decomposition-based dimension reduction technique on hyperspectral image classification

Authors : Megha, P., Sowmya V., Dr. Soman K. P.

Publisher :Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering

Smart Energy Management System Based on Image Analytics and Device Level Analysis

Authors : S. Birindha, V. Ananthanarayanan, Dr. Bhagavathi Sivakumar P.

Publisher :Springer, Cham

Emotional and Psychological Trauma: a Study of Yejide Kilanko’s Daughters Who Walk This Path

Authors : Shilpa M. Chandran, Soumitha Krishnakumar, Haripriya S

Publisher :CIKITUSI Journal for Multidisciplinary Research

A new broadband Magic Tee design for Ka-Band Satellite Communications (Accepted)

Authors : V. S. Kumar, Dr. Dhanesh G. Kurup

Publisher :IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters

Effect of Denoising on Vectorized Convolutional Neural Network for Hyperspectral Image Classification

Authors : Sowmya V., Deepa Merlin Dixon.K, K. P. Soman

Publisher :Springer Nature Singapore

Numerical modelling and optimization of dry orthogonal turning of Al6061 T6 alloy

Authors : C.S. Sumesh, Dr. Ajith Ramesh

Publisher :Periodica Polytechnica Mechanical Engineering, Budapest University of Technology and Economics,

Effect of cutting speed on generation of heat at work-tool interface of copper based silver and brass alloys

Authors : Prashanth, M., Ajay Kumar, B.S., Krishna Prasad, N.J.

Publisher :International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development

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