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Non-Invasive Blood Glucose Monitoring using Near Infrared Spectroscopy

Authors : Gayathri B, Sruthi K., K. A. Unnikrishna Menon

Publisher :6th International Conference on Communication & Signal Processing, ICCSP 2017. IEEE, Chennai, India.

Effect of Oxidizing Agents on the Expansion Characteristics of Natural Graphite

Authors : Trivedi, A., Pisharath, N., Ramanujam, B.T.S.

Publisher :Materials Today: Proceedings

Simplification of High Temperature High Pressure Equipment and Technique for Advanced Materials Processing

Authors : Balasubramanian, K., Govindaraju, M.

Publisher :Materials Today: Proceedings

Effect of NonSurgical Periodontal Therapy on Plasma Levels of IL-17 in Chronic Periodontitis Patients with Well Controlled Type-II Diabetes Mellitus-A Clinical Study.

Authors : Jayakumar Sunandhakumari, Vishnu, Sadasivan, Arun, Koshi, Elizabeth, Krishna, Aswathy, Alim, Aneesh, Sebastian, Aneesh

Publisher :Dent J (Basel)

Effect of Nickel content on hardness and wear rate of surface modified cast aluminum bronze alloy

Authors : Nair, S., R. Sellamuthu, Saravanan, R.

Publisher :Materials Today: Proceedings

Silver nanoparticles-incorporated NbO surface passivation layer for efficiency enhancement in dye-sensitized solar cells.

Authors : Suresh, S, Unni, Gautam E, Satyanarayana, M, Sreekumaran Nair, A, Mahadevan Pillai, V P

Publisher :J Colloid Interface Sci

Social media and luxury fashion in India: Use of social media by brands

Authors : Arunima, Babu, S.

Publisher :Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

Non-isothermal crystallization kinetics of polypropylene/short glass fibre/multiwalled carbon nanotube composites

Authors : Nanoth Rasana, Dr. Jayanarayanan K., Alessandro Pegoretti

Publisher :RSC Adv., The Royal Society of Chemistry

Ocular Manifestations of Pediatric Systemic Diseases.

Authors : Pillai, Gopal S, Radhakrishnan, Natasha

Publisher :Indian J Pediatr

Non linear Tracking Using Unscented Kalman Filter

Authors : P. Sudheesh, Dr. Jayakumar M.

Publisher :Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

A Novel Multi-factor Authentication Protocol for Smart Home Environments

Authors : Nimmy K, Sriram Sankaran, Krishnashree Achuthan

Publisher :Springer, Cham

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