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Solar based grid tie integration system for efficient power management

Authors : Abinaya, T., Vignesh, R.V., Vijayan, T.M.

Publisher :2017 International Conference on Energy, Communication, Data Analytics and Soft Computing, ICECDS 2017

One step approach towards the green synthesis of silver decorated graphene nanocomposites for the degradation of organic dyes in water

Authors : Gopakumar Karthik, A Harith, N Nazrin Thazleema, Shaji Vishal, S Jayan Jitha, Dr. Saritha A.

Publisher :IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering

A Novel Approach to Depth Estimation Using Mouse Click Method

Authors : Rajesh Kannan Megalingam

Publisher :(2018)

Political Pricing of Electricity – Can it go with Universal Service Provision?

Authors : Muralee Krishnan C., Santanu Gupta

Publisher :Energy Policy (ABDC - A Category).

Nonlinear tuning in InGaAsP Embedded Rings

Authors : Viswas Sadasivan, Das, Utpal

Publisher :Optical and Quantum Electronics

Soil Stabilization Using Bottom Ash and Areca Fiber: Experimental Investigations and Reliability Analysis

Authors : Dr. Sreevalsa Kolathayar, Sooraj P Sudhakaran, Dr. Anil Kumar Sharma

Publisher :Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering (ASCE)

Significance of Elevated Prohibitin 1 levels in Multiple Sclerosis Patients Lymphocytes towards the Assessment of Subclinical Disease Activity and its role in the Central Nervous System Pathology of Disease.

Authors : Rajeshkannan, Ramiah, Anandakuttan, Anandakumar, Dr. Ullas Mony, Nair, Sreepriya, Dr. Ullas Mony, Kalingavarman, Sugavanan, Anandakuttan, Anandakumar, Radhakrishnan, Sureshkumar, Venkat, Ramaswamynathan, Kalingavarman, Sugavanan, Dr. Ullas Mony, Radhakrishnan, Sureshkumar, Kalingavarman, Sugavanan, Venkat, Ramaswamynathan, Sivanarayanan, Thanghalazhi Balakrishnan, Venkat, Ramaswamynathan, Radhakrishnan, Sureshkumar, Krishnakumar N. Menon, Unni, Ayalur Kodakara Kochugovindan, Krishnakumar N. Menon, Venkat, Ramaswamynathan, Sivanarayanan, Thanghalazhi Balakrishnan, Sivanarayanan, Thanghalazhi Balakrishnan, Satheesh Kumar, Madathiparambil Kumaran, Krishnakumar N. Menon, Sivanarayanan, Thanghalazhi Balakrishnan, Unni, Ayalur Kodakara Kochugovindan, Rajeshkannan, Ramiah, Unni, Ayalur Kodakara Kochugovindan, Unni, Ayalur Kodakara Kochugovindan, Rajeshkannan, Ramiah, Nair, Sreepriya, Rajeshkannan, Ramiah, Rajeshkannan, Ramiah, Anandakuttan, Anandakumar, Anandakuttan, Anandakumar, Anandakuttan, Anandakumar, Anandakuttan, Anandakumar, Radhakrishnan, Sureshkumar, Dr. Ullas Mony, Radhakrishnan, Sureshkumar, Radhakrishnan, Sureshkumar, Kalingavarman, Sugavanan, Krishnakumar N. Menon, Krishnakumar N. Menon, Krishnakumar N. Menon, Radhakrishnan, Sureshkumar, Venkat, Ramaswamynathan, Krishnakumar N. Menon, Sivanarayanan, Thanghalazhi Balakrishnan, Unni, Ayalur Kodakara Kochugovindan, Rajeshkannan, Ramiah, Anandakuttan, Anandakumar, Radhakrishnan, Sureshkumar, Krishnakumar N. Menon

Publisher :International Journal of Biological Macromolecules

Ocular Manifestations of Pediatric Systemic Diseases

Authors : Pillai, G.S., Radhakrishnan, N.

Publisher :Indian Journal of Pediatrics

Effect of Reinforcement on Density, Hardness and Wear Behavior of Aluminum Metal Matrix Composites: A Review

Authors : Annigeri, U.K., Veeresh Kumar, G.B.

Publisher :Materials Today: Proceedings

A novel algorithm for triangulating 2d point clouds using multi-dimensional data structures and nearest neighbour approach

Authors : Joshi, S., Vasudevan, S.K.

Publisher :Lecture Notes in Computational Vision and Biomechanics

One Pot Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles with Multiple Applications

Authors : Nayana Krishna, Nandakumar G., Neethu T S, Rini John, Sudheesh. R. Babu, Dr. Smitha Chandran S.

Publisher :Materials Today: Proceedings

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