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Strength behavior of subgrade soil mixed with sand manufacturing dust and fiber

Authors : Raju, S., Kolathayar, S., Sharma, A.K.

Publisher :Journal of GeoEngineering

A Study on Diesel Engine Using Waste Cooking Oil with Biotic Additive

Authors : Raaj Kumar, R.A., Srinivasan, S., Varshini, M., Divakar Shetty, A.S.

Publisher :IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering

Performance evaluation of nickel as anode catalyst for DMFC in acidic and alkaline medium

Authors : Sunitha, M., Durgadevi, N., Asha, S., T. Ramachandran

Publisher :Ranliao Huaxue Xuebao/Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology

A Parallelized Method for Global Single Variable Optimization

Authors : Sanket M. Bhat, S. Nikhil, Vineetha K. V, Sarada Jayan, Dr. Dhanesh G. Kurup

Publisher :PESTSE

Parametric analysis of channel models for land mobile satellite MIMO

Authors : Aparna, M., Kirthiga, S.

Publisher :Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking, WiSPNET 2017

A study of various result merging strategies for a Meta search engine

Authors : Sathiya, R.R., Jayasree, A.G., Tangirala, R., Prasanna, D.

Publisher :International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE)

A study of the factors impacting the adoption of augmented reality in online purchases in India

Authors : Chakraborty, S., Gupta, D.

Publisher :RTEICT 2017 - 2nd IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information and Communication Technology, Proceedings

Panoramic Surveillance Using a Stitched Image Sequence

Authors : , Shanmugha Sundaram, G.A.

Publisher :Communications in Computer and Information Science

Performance comparison of techniques for water demand forecasting

Authors : Praveen Vijai, Dr. Bhagavathi Sivakumar P.

Publisher :Procedia Computer Science

Streaming tiles: Flexible implementation of convolution neural networks inference on manycore architectures

Authors : Rezk, N.M., Purnaprajna, M., Ul-Abdin, Z.

Publisher :Proceedings - 2018 IEEE 32nd International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium Workshops, IPDPSW 2018

Testican 1 (SPOCK1) and Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase, Receptor type S (PTPRS) Show Significant increase in Saliva of Tobacco Users with Oral Cancer

Authors : Vishalakshi Nanjappa, Remya Raja, Aneesha Radhakrishnan, Ankit Jain, Keshava Datta, Vinuth N. P., Hitendra Solanki, Sandip Chavan, Arun Patil, Santosh Renuse, Anu Jain, Don Mathew, Reetu Thakur, Rafael Guerrero-Preston, Dr. Bipin G. Nair, Samapika Routray, Neeta Mohanty, K. B. Linge Gowda, Ritesh Jadav, Aditi Chatterjee

Publisher :Translational Research in Oral Oncology

Statistical Viability Analysis and Optimization through Gate Sizing

Authors : Sreenath, K., Sreenath, K., Ramesh S. R., Ramesh S. R.

Publisher :Springer, Singapore

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