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Studies on the effect of weld defect on the fatigue behavior of welded structures

Authors : Murugan, R., Venugobal, P.R., Ramaswami, T.P., Jothi, S., Chinnusamy, S.

Publisher :China Welding (English Edition)

Penetration Depth Evaluation of Split Ring Resonator sensor using In-Vivo Microwave Reflectivity and Ultrasound Measurements

Authors : Syaiful. S, J. Velander, P. Mathur, M. D. Perez, N. Asan, Dr. Dhanesh G. Kurup, T. Blokhuis, R. Augustine

Publisher :12th European Conference on Antenna and Propagation (EuCap)

Pharmaceutical products as emerging contaminant in water: relevance for developing nations and identification of critical compounds for Indian environment

Authors : Prakash C., S.G. Thampi, M. Kumar, Dr. Mini K. M.

Publisher :Environmental Monitoring and Assessment

Pharmacogenetic landscape of DPYD variants in south Asian populations by integration of genome-scale data.

Authors : Hariprakash, Judith M, Vellarikkal, Shamsudheen K, Keechilat, Pavithran, Verma, Ankit, Jayarajan, Rijith, Dixit, Vishal, Ravi, Rowmika, Senthivel, Vigneshwar, Kumar, Anoop, Sehgal, Paras, Sonakar, Akhilesh K, Ambawat, Sakshi, Giri, Anil K, Philip, Arun, Sivadas, Akhila, Faruq, Mohammed, Bharadwaj, Dwaipayan, Sivasubbu, Sridhar, Scaria, Vinod

Publisher :Pharmacogenomics

A study on the clinical outcome of abiraterone acetate in castration resistant prostate cancer patients

Authors : James, A., Vincent, B., Sivadas, A., Pavithran, K.

Publisher :International Journal of Hematology-Oncology and Stem Cell Research

Study on the effect of weld defects on fatigue life of structures

Authors : Adiban, S.V., Ramu, M.

Publisher :Materials Today: Proceedings

PED-ML: Phishing email detection using classical machine learning techniques CENSec@Amrita

Authors : Vazhayil, A., Harikrishnan, N.B., Vinayakumar, R., Soman, K.P.

Publisher :CEUR Workshop Proceedings

Pharmaceutical products as emerging contaminant in water: relevance for developing nations and identification of critical compounds for Indian environment.

Authors : Chinnaiyan, Prakash, Thampi, Santosh G, Kumar, Mathava, Mini, K M

Publisher :Environ Monit Assess

Pediyaruthu, Parihaaramundu

Authors : Prof. Sunil M.

Publisher :Arogyamangalam

Pedagogical support for collaborative development of virtual and remote labs amrita VLCAP

Authors : Nedungadi, P., Ramesh, M.V., Pradeep, P., Raman, R.

Publisher :Springer International Publishing

Pedagogical Support for Collaborative Development of Virtual and Remote Labs: Amrita VLCAP

Authors : Prof. Prema Nedungadi, Dr. Maneesha V. Ramesh, Pradeep, Preeja, Raghu Raman

Publisher :Cyber-Physical Laboratories in Engineering and Science Education, Springer International Publishing, Cham.

A Study on the Al2O3 Reinforced Al7075 Metal Matrix Composites Wear behavior using Artificial Neural Networks

Authors : Pramod, R., Veeresh Kumar, G.B., Gouda, P.S.S., Mathew, A.T.

Publisher :Materials Today: Proceedings

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